[conspire] Tiger & G3 imac

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Dec 12 21:48:38 PST 2006

Quoting John Andrews (jla1200 at netzero.net):

> This is a little off topic but I just put Os Tiger on the G3 imac and  
> it really rocks. It boots up from pushing the button in about 45  
> secs. Ubuntu takes 90 secs.

Yeah, but that's _GNOME_.  If you want a G3 Mac to really sing, use
Xubuntu (xfce4 desktop).  Also, take a little responsibility and decide
for yourself what to start, and what not to.

> Tiger's got a more sophisticated feel to  it. I mean everything just
> works.

Well, until the spontaneous freeze-ups start, and such.  (My two iBooks 
are much more stable with Linux -- and it's nice to have a real
filesystem back.)  What you probably really mean is:  OS X has a slick,
integrated set of proprietary apps with a carefully similar look and
feel.  (Your HIG consistency, my monotony.  ;->  )

> It's almost too good. There's not  as much to tweak on.

Frustratingly inflexible.  ;->

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