[conspire] AWstats security fix: static pages
Rick Moen
rick at linuxmafia.com
Sun Oct 16 23:38:42 PDT 2005
Turns out there _is_ a standard solution; it's just inadequately documented.
http://awstats.sourceforge.net/docs/awstats_tools.html includes:
awstats_buildstaticpages allows you to launch AWStats with -staticlinks
option to build all possible pages allowed by AWStats -output option.
awstats_buildstaticpages.pl (awstats_options)
where awstats_options are any option known by AWStats
-config=configvalue is value for -config parameter (REQUIRED)
-update option used to update statistics before to generate pages
-lang=LL to output a HTML report in language LL (en,de,es,fr,...)
-month=MM to output a HTML report for an old month=MM
-year=YYYY to output a HTML report for an old year=YYYY
and awstatsbuildstaticpages_options can be
-awstatsprog=pathtoawstatspl gives AWStats software (awstats.pl) path
-dir=outputdir to set output directory for generated pages
-date used to add build date in built pages file name
New versions and FAQ at http://awstats.sourceforge.net
There are implementation tips at the Debian Administration site,
If you wish to have static HTML pages created instead you must run the
following command line:
/usr/share/doc/awstats/examples/awstats_buildstaticpages.pl -update \
-config=/etc/awstats/awstats.conf \
-dir=/var/www/stats/ \
This will use the configuration file "/etc/awstats/awstats.conf", to
build some static pages which it will place in "/var/www/stats".
As you can see this is quite a mouthful! However it's a simple thing
to add to a script to run once a day.
If you do this then you should disable the default updating of the
statstics which happens every ten minutes by removing the file
/etc/cron.d/awstats - if you are building static pages only once a day
it is a waste of time updating the statics for online viewing more
To handle multiple sites involves making a copy of the configuration
file /etc/awstats/awstats.conf to a new name
Once this is done you can then update the statistics for a single host
by specifying on the command line:
This will update the statistics for the named configuration file.
You can also examine the simple script
/usr/share/doc/awstats/awstats-update which attempts to update all
configuration files, modifying this to build static pages for each host
is a simple enough matter.
I'm going to set the thing up that way, Real Soon Now, and then file a
bug with the Debian package maintainer suggesting that static-pages
should be the package's default installation mode, and _not_ CGI.
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