[conspire] Re: Distro help

Ryan Le rymanle at gmail.com
Mon May 16 16:06:34 PDT 2005

Actually, I did copy the email to gedit and quit firefox before I did
the 'top' command. I will try to come to installfest this Sat. Thanks
for helping me out. 

On Mon, 2005-05-16 at 15:02 -0700, Rick Moen wrote:
> Quoting Ryman (rymanle at gmail.com):
> > I'm sorry about the unclear again.
> Honestly, you're not unclear.  It's just that communication with the 
> technical community to solve problems, in writing, is not the sort of
> thing most people are used to doing.  It takes a little pondering to
> realise what techies need to know, to help you.
> If we were in the same room as you and your computer, we could say
> "Excuse me; do you mind if I sit in your chair for a moment?  There's
> something I want to try."  Since we're not with you, we have to have you
> do things and tell us what you see.  You should bear in mind that we
> can't see anything, unaided:  You have to describe things to us -- and 
> please avoid sending us your interpretations.
> One of the reasons people fall back on sending us interpretations (rather
> than the raw symptoms we need) concerns timing:  You have a problem and
> only _afterwards_ write for help, so you rely on your memory of what
> occurred, which inevitably means you start trying to tell us what you
> guessed was happening, at the expense of accuracy in telling us what you
> _saw_.
> Therefore, very often it's a good idea to write your request for help
> _while repeating_ the steps that produce the problem, so that you can
> write a description of what is happening _as it happens_.
> > - 'All the icons' mean "All the icons" might mean "all the icons
> > showing for the downloaded anime files that had until this point been
> > on display in my file browser
> > window". 
> > 
> > - I will google on how natulius works to get more information about it.
> Don't forget about the Ubuntuforums URL I posted!  They are GNOME users
> and are very experienced at helping new Ubuntu users with it.
> > - 'Crashed' mean its unresponsive and sometimes vanished from the task bar.
> OK, but those are _two_ slightly different things.
> "Unresponsive" is interpreting, a bit:  Again, ideally, you will tell us
> what you do, in chronological order.  "I do this, then the computer does
> this, then I do this...."
> > - My firefox crashed ( vanished from the task bar ) as i'm writing
> > this reply. I opened another firefox to go to
> > http://www.xanga.com/icybabie03 to get some of the URL from the
> > comment page.
> Well, that page blew my Firefox out of memory, too.
> So, it's not just you.  You may be surprised to hear that there's a
> great deal of really, really bad HTML out there, that sometimes causes 
> even really good browsers such as recent versions of Firefox to
> segementation fault or otherwise terminate.
> > This window was vanished too. I have to write this again.
> Ah, yes, you're using GMail!  I sort of forgot about that, when I
> suggested you (in effect) try to blow up your browser process.  
> You might want to take notes in a text editor, rather than a browser
> window, when you do such things.
> > - About 30 minutes before I reply this email. My firefox is
> > unresponsive again.  I had xmms, gaim, xchat and firefox running. I was
> > just chatting with my friend on AIM then I click on the firefox tab in
> > task bar. It maximized and took over the screen. My gnome panel (
> > bottom and top ) are disappeared ( it's like when you press F11 to
> > view Full Screen on firefox but it isn't. When you press F11 to see
> > full screen. you won't be able to see the Menu bar on firefox. But in
> > this case I still can see the menu bar and the window border). I still
> > can move the cursor. I still can see the  webpage on firefox (
> > www.yahoo.com ) but I couldn't type or do anything.
> Again, I'm at a small disadvantage in discussing GNOME specifics,
> because I don't use GNOME.  Thus, I have only guesses to go by, in
> figuring out what you mean by "the task bar", and why clicking its
> "Firefox tab" would cause Firefox to take over the screen.  F11 does
> entirely different things on _my_ system (for example):  I assure you
> that what it does on your system isn't Firefox-specific, but rather
> something your window manager is doing.
> You may want to bring your machine to the SVLUG installfest (this coming
> Saturday), and get some in-person assistance.
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