[conspire] Re: Box needed for open source demo ; -> (was: box needed for FLOSS demo)

David Hartley david at holistiq.com
Mon May 2 21:46:08 PDT 2005

hmm...  I must be underpricing my hardware sales <g>
I just sold 3 new Athlon-64 boxes w/512MB & 80GB for $500ea.
While I don't have much in the way of stuff to give away, I could make
available a  P3 1.2Ghz/512MB/80GB at around $300, or less if someone already
had a hard-drive, or 512mb of PC133 SDRAM, etc.


On 5/2/2005 8:30:35 PM, Rick Moen (rick at linuxmafia.com) wrote:
> I wish you luck on getting for free a unit with >1GHz CPU and 512MB RAM:
> A quick check on eBay suggests such machines now tend to run around $500
> used, so it would probably have to be someone who either has money to
> burn or really, really likes you.  ;->

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