[conspire] Re: Christian draws out a Sun Microsystems guy

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Mon May 2 09:33:36 PDT 2005

Quoting Dalibor Topic (robilad at kaffe.org):

[libgcj and kaffe:]

> They are different projects, really. But they've been converging a bit in the
> last years, due to the size of task, and the friendly anti-NIH nature of the
> people involved. :)

Hi, Dalibor!

Yes, about the time I was writing that, I was guessing that whatever
source I'd seen claiming that libgcj was a bundled copy of kaffee must
have been in error.  I've replaced that wording[1] with a more-recent
statement I saw somewhere on the GCJ site, that I hope is more accurate:
It said that GCJ's JRE "was based on GNU Classpath, and modeled after
the standard Sun Java classes".

If I'm still missing the boat, please do let me know.

[1] In http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Devtools/java.html

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