[conspire] Re: Christian draws out a Sun Microsystems guy

Dalibor Topic robilad at kaffe.org
Mon May 2 08:44:40 PDT 2005

Rick Moen <rick <at> linuxmafia.com> writes:

> There's something I'm a little unclear on:  My "Open Source Java on
> Linux" notes suggested that GCJ's libgcj JRE is just an FSF-relabeled
> copy of the GPLv2 "kaffe" JRE codebase.  However, more recently, some
> comments I've seen online suggest that kaffe and libgcj are continuing
> as separate projects.
> So, my question is:  What's the story?  Did I get it wrong, and libgcj
> was always independent of kaffe?  Was libgcj a _fork_ of kaffe?  Or was
> it an independent project that borrowed from kaffe but didn't converge?

They are different projects, really. But they've been converging a bit in the
last years, due to the size of task, and the friendly anti-NIH nature of the
people involved. :)

dalibor topic

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