[conspire] Tomorrow is CABAL day

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Mar 11 17:17:41 PST 2005

Well, I have a pork roast and some chicken pieces that have been
marinating for a few days, and those are ready for tomorrows' shindig.
That should be good. 

I've just downloaded, in case anyone needs it, the x86 SUSE Linux 9.2
mini-installation CD image (65 MB).  This basically works like a Debian
"netinst" CD, for those who know what that is:  You can either upgrade
or install a SUSE system with it.  The CD includes everything the
installer needs other than the individual SUSE 9.2 RPM binary packages
people might choose to install:  Those get fetched over the Internet, 
as needed.

Anyone (on x86) who wants to upgrade or build a SUSE system, it's
probably a fine option.

I'm probably going to drive over to Alameda to attend the EFF
"build-in", but will be back before 4 PM.  See you then!

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