[conspire] Penguin Day - Demysitify FLOSS for Nonprofits

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Mon Apr 11 00:23:11 PDT 2005

Zac Mutrux <zacm at compumentor.org> wrote:

> I'm helping to organize Penguin Day, an event that puts staff from
> nonprofit organizations and FLOSS enthusiasts in the same room for a day
> of learning. I think it's going to be a blast. I attended the first
> Penguin Day in Philadelphia, and it was really exciting to see poeple
> get fired up about this stuff.
> Announcement follows.


Zac, I noticed that you joined the mailing list shortly before posting
that announcement.  (Welcome -- especially since you stuck around.  ;->)  
You also seem to have done likewise with a number of other Linux user
groups around the Bay Area, at the same time.

The announcement was welcome, but I think you really should have
disclosed that, absent a fee waiver, there's a $60 admission charge.

Also, next time your group repeats this event, I'd suggest some level of
coordination with local open source users and with the local consulting
community.  For this event, you seem to have done none.

The same can be said of the upcoming NYC event, I suspect.

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