[conspire] CABAL meeting, this Saturday. Ubuntu goodness.

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Apr 8 11:18:21 PDT 2005

We're _supposed_ to have NO rain, tomorrow.  Despite the current

Yahoo Weather predicts clear, cool, and windy for Menlo Park on Saturday, 
then partly cloudy and cool for the next few days after that.  But
they've been known to be spectacularly wrong.  Fortunately, we now have
ample extra indoor room, thanks my having completely cleaned up the
garage -- as CABALists and visiting SVLUGers last month experienced.

Ubuntu v. 5.06 "hoary hedgehog" is here.  Right here in Menlo Park.

I managed to get the jump on most of North America, and pulled down
installable ISOs (but not the live CD images) for i386, PPC, and AMD64, 
before the North American mirrors got mobbed.  How?  By remembering that
the planned Friday release date was per _Australian_ time.  So, I
grabbed the ISOs last night.  Et voila.

And of course, we can help you with anything else at
http://linuxmafia.com/cabal/installfest/#distros , or whatever you
choose to bring along.

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