[conspire] Ubuntu

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Mon Oct 18 17:41:43 PDT 2004

Greg Dougherty <gregd at molecularsoftware.com> wrote:
> Sorry, Rick, but you're off base here.  Those pictures are totally
> "unprofessional".

{shrug}  I guess so are about 30% of the billboards I see, while walking
around San Francisco.  You've seen the "United Colors of Benetton"
clothing ads, I assume.

My reaction when I saw the splash screen wasn't "Oh my, that's
unprofessional!", but rather, "Heh, that's vaguely sweet but trite.
Looks like the side of a Muni bus."  

> Further, from your description, I take it that these picture were
> added w/o warning or discuss.

"Take it" as desired, but my knowledge of particulars is very distant,
so you should investigate if you care, rather than leaping to odd

As I said, I keep being surprised after thinking that I have finally
figured out this country of mine, but you might want to cover kids'
eyes if you drive any up the Peninsula and over the Bay Bridge.

(Maybe hanging around Swedes too much has made me blasé, but I doubt the
poor little tykes' psyches get injured worth mentioning.  I'd worry a
whole lot more about cereal ads and resulting sugar intake.  ;->  )

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