[conspire] Ubuntu
Daniel Gimpelevich
daniel at gimpelevich.san-francisco.ca.us
Fri Oct 8 14:03:06 PDT 2004
Burning from the commandline is actually pretty simple if you're willing
to do it, but if you're not, xcdroast does a pretty decent job of GUIfying
the task, and dependencies are minimal. As I said before on the newsgroup
(when I wasn't aware that the news-to-mail gateway isn't working), Ubuntu
draws from debian-unstable, and might be a great alternative to Xandros as
a desktop-Linux solution.
On Fri, 08 Oct 2004 13:50:46 -0700, Bill Stoye wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-10-08 at 08:38 -0700, Rick Moen wrote:
>> Quoting Bill Stoye (skiffworks at earthlink.net):
>> [Much appreciated report on Ubuntu]
>> > the only thing I miss from KDE is 'K3b', which has been a very nice
>> > GUI for burning Cd's; I've not had luck with any of the burners
>> > available for Gnome. I don't yet have the skills to burn using the
>> > command line.
>> You know, you can certainly retrofit it using "apt-get install k3b".
>> Try that, and see what dependencies (certainly, the qt and kdelibs
>> packages, at minimum) are going to be pulled in by that command: You'll
>> have the option of saying yes or no to the lot.
> I did look at what would be installed to get K3b(with Synaptic); it
> required a whole lot of KDE stuff, 13 or 14 packages including base KDE,
> lib's and it's menu. I may succumb to having to do it; if only I could
> figure out how to use 'eroaster' but for some reason, I hit a wall,
> nothing I attempt with it works. ??
> Burning .iso files is a piece of cake however; rt click on the .iso file
> in nautilus, select 'write to disc...' and whall-lah, it's done.
>> I'm implicitly assuming that Ubuntu's default /etc/apt/sources.list
>> includes references to the Debian testing or unstable package
>> collections, or both sets. I'll try to follow up with a second post
>> giving some detail on that, or you might want to just bring over your
>> machine to the CABAL meeting tomorrow (Saturday), and I'll be glad to
>> show you how all that works.
> Thank you for the offer to help, I would like to bring it over to the
> meeting but I have a new monitor that is a monster(to me), too big to
> haul around... a real disadvantage but the real estate is nice.
> I'm not sure I completley understand the packages, here is my
> '/etc/apt/sources.list':
> "#deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty main restricted
> #deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty main restricted
> ## Uncomment the following two lines to fetch updated software from the
> network
> ## and be able to use more than 12000 unsupported packages from the
> universe archive.
> deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty main restricted universe
> deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty main restricted
> universe
> #deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty-security main restricted
> #deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty-security main
> restricted"
> 'Warty main' is what the distro comes with and then you can chose to
> uncomment 'warty main retricted universe', these packages I believe are
> grabbed from unstable. Warty is the name of the release.
>> > I had been using Libranet 2.8 for almost two years but wanted the 2.6
>> > kernel for better support of some of my hardware and I liked the simple
>> > offering and menu of Ubuntu, but libranet hasn't come out with their 3.0
>> > release after an original target date of mid August... I may duel boot
>> > to it when it comes out for grins.
>> Don't count that pair of guys who run Libra Computer Systems Ltd. out:
>> They have a phenomenal record of staying in the game.
> I'm not counting Libranet out, in fact I liked it very much; it had most
> of my hardware supported, I just got it in my head to simplify the
> system(other than K3b, never used KDE) and use the new kernel. I'll be
> one of the first in line to reinstall(duel boot), if and when 3.0 comes
> out.
>> Also, there's no reason why you can't retrieve a 2.6 precompiled binary
>> kernel from the package mirrors for your Libranet 2.8 system. I can
>> show you the ropes on that one, too.
> I'm afraid I wiped out Libranet 2.8 when I installed Ubuntu... a brain
> fart!
> In reference to a subsquent email; I read in the Ubuntu-users email
> list, many people using it as a server and have seen the instructions on
> how to do so, may be found at Gmane:
> <http://search.gmane.org/search.php?
> query=&email=&group=gmane.linux.ubuntu.user&sort=date>
> Thanks for your thoughts and time.
> Bill
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