[conspire] (forw) Re: debian server maintenance

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Oct 8 09:01:57 PDT 2004

Relevant to Bill Stoye's Ubuntu box.

----- Forwarded message from Daniel Stone <daniel at fooishbar.org> -----

Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2004 08:26:27 -0700
From: Daniel Stone <daniel at fooishbar.org>
To: James Harper <james.harper at bigpond.com>
Cc: 'LUV' <luv-main at luv.asn.au>
Subject: Re: debian server maintenance
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On Thu, Oct 07, 2004 at 10:21:23PM +1000, James Harper wrote:
> I look after a few debian servers and was just wondering how other people
> keep their systems up to date. They are all running sarge (3.1 - currently
> 'unstable'). Fully automatic system updates appear to be frowned upon, but
> I'd like to have a procedure where I update one machine manually, test
> anything that needs testing, and then tell all the other machines to update
> if everything tests okay.
> Currently I just slogin to them and do it manually, but updating quagga
> makes that a bit of a pain (shutting down quagga kills the default route :)

You might be interested in Ubuntu, which was just introduced at LUV --
it's Debian-based, with a six-month release cycle, and resyncs regularly
with unstable, and comes with many improvements.  Despite being
desktop-focussed, you can do a custom install which doesn't include X or
anything else similarly desktoppy, and then use all the normal packages.
Apache, Samba, and others are included in our supported seed, which get
our high level of support, and virtually all the rest of Debian's
packages have been built in the 'universe' repository.

(Disclaimer: I work full-time on Ubuntu for Canonical.  But I still
 think it's pretty rad.)

:) d

Daniel Stone                                              <daniel at fooishbar.org>
"The programs are documented fully by _The Rise and Fall of a Fooish Bar_,
available by the Info system." -- debian/manpage.sgml.ex, dh_make template

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