[conspire] Re: conspire Digest, Vol 14, Issue 11

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Thu Jul 22 00:18:16 PDT 2004

Quoting Alexander Udalov (aludal at softhome.net):

> yeah.... right. And it might even be wacko enough for inclusion in that
> filming project of Christian's, why not?
> He looks for all kinds of wacko stuff beyond Linux.
> Talk to him, use your Ga, Twi, or Hausa language for a fuller effect.

Sasha!  Long time, no hear from.  Deirdre has a really funny recorded
song she and I would like to play for you, that you especially would
enjoy.  Any chance you'd feel like wandering up to the CABAL meeting 
on Saturday?

Cheers,                                     The Viking's Reminder:
Rick Moen                                   Pillage first, _then_ burn.
rick at linuxmafia.com

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