[conspire] (forw) Re: Corel Linux on an ASUS T2-RS?

Daniel Gimpelevich daniel at gimpelevich.san-francisco.ca.us
Fri Dec 10 14:17:59 PST 2004

If you're indeed talking about WP8 and not WP9, you're welcome to bring by
the Mandrake 9.1 machine for help in trying to get WP to work on that
system in addition to bringing by the ASUS machine for an install (BTW,
I'm curious: Did you get the 3-in-1 PCI kit that was optional with the
T2-RS?). SUSE 9.1 is more similar to Mandrake than Libranet and Xandros
are, so it's the more obvious choice if you want to install WP8 there. One
caveat though: Rick said regarding Corel Linux "the very old XFree86
graphics software circa v. 3.2 would definitely not know what to make of
that ATI chipset," and SUSE 9.1 has v. 3.3.2, so I would strongly
recommend replacing it immediately as described at:
However, note that the fglrx driver you will need does not yet support
that X server, so you will need to wait until ATI releases a new version
of it sometime this month before attempting a SUSE 9.1 install on the
T2-RS. I will be at the 1/8/05 CABAL meeting and will be glad to assist.

SUSE Professional 9.2 is now out, but has a 2.6.8 kernel (unsuitable for
WordPerfect). For information regarding the LiveCD, read:
The installable ISO will be available next month. Details:
SUSE is available for i386 (actually i586 and i686 only) and x86_64

On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 00:58:33 -0800, Rick Moen wrote:

> ----- Forwarded message from Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> -----
> Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2004 00:58:10 -0800
> To: Paul Ross <paulross at igc.org>
> Cc: installers at linuxmafia.com
> Subject: Re: Corel Linux on an ASUS T2-RS?
> Reply-To: installers at linuxmafia.com
> From: Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com>
> Quoting Paul Ross (paulross at igc.org):
>> Hi guys,
> Hi, Paul.
>> I recently purchased an ASUS T2-R (Std) from Central Computer in
>> Newark.  I am trying to install Corel Linux on it.  The installation
>> program starts but stops and reboots before it gets far along enough
>> to prompt me to do anything.
> That's understandable.  Corel Linux OS, even the final 1.2 release, is
> now extremely ancient in Linux terms.  The very, very obsolete 2.2
> installation kernel would not have been able to deal with most or all of
> the hardware interfaces provided by the ASUS P4R8T motherboard chipset
> collection, or the embedded ATI RS300-based video chipset.
> Similarly, the very old XFree86 graphics software circa v. 3.2 would
> definitely not know what to make of that ATI chipset.
> You'll need something much more recent; indeed, something very recent.
> Corel Linux is definitely not it.
>> The reason I want to install Corel is that I want to have WordPerfect
>> and I have not been able to install WP on my other computer which has
>> Mandrake 9.1.
> Assuming you're talking about installing WP 8.x onto current
> Mandrakelinux, here are the old instructions from the (now discontinued)
> Corel Knowledgebase pages, slightly updated:
> 1. Download and install the ld.so-1.9.11-4mdk.i586.rpm package, part of
> the Mandrake Cooker contrib tree.
> 2. Install the libc-5.3.12-35mdk.i586.rpm package from the installation
> CD.
> 3. Run the ldconfig command to regenerate the library list.
> 4. Follow the standard installation instructions provided with
> WordPerfect 8.
> However, some distributions (such as Fedora Core) with very modern
> kernels (2.6.8 or later) are currently reporting problems running WP
> 8.x.  This is being looked into, but there isn't a lot of talent
> concentrating on that problem, because (as you know) it's a very, very
> long dead, proprietary, binary-only product.  With reasonable luck, that
> wouldn't hit you.
> If you're talking about WP 9 aka Corel Office 2000:
> Distributions with libc v. 2.3.2 or above have, for the time being,
> broken the CorelWine support required to run WP 9.  Again, this is being
> worked on, but... same story.
> Current distributions that are known to include, right out of the box,
> all support libs required for WP 8.x are:  Libranet 2.8.1 and SUSE 9.1.
> It's possible that Xandros 2.x also qualifies, but I'm not sure.
> Full details can be found using the resources in and linked from my
> WordPerfect on Linux FAQ, http://linuxmafia.com/wpfaq/ .
>> If this makes any sense, let me know.  I would like to talk to you
>> about this at the Robert Austin computer show or at Rick's house.  I
>> won't show up if I don't hear from you.
> You're most welcome to come (with or without computer) to the CABAL
> meeting this Saturday afternoon and evening at my house in Menlo Park.
> (No need to RSVP; come any time before midnight.)
> We're not going to have a presence at the Robert Austin show.

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