[conspire] information about the meetings

Stefano Maffulli maffulli at fsfeurope.org
Thu Dec 26 09:41:20 PST 2002

Il mar, 2002-12-24 alle 09:56, Rick Moen ha scritto:
> Officially, there's no meeting because of it being in the middle of the
> holiday period.  (Few people attend meetings that are scheduled between
> Christmas and New Year's Day.)  However, anyone who comes anyway will be 
> very welcome.

That's fantastic, I'll definetely drop by on saturday.  I will come by
car, with my fiance.  I will be there around 4.30/5pm hoping not to get

> By the way, you might know my friend David Welton, who's a free software
> programmer and lives most of the time in Padua.

not personally, I will ask my friens at Prosa if they know him :)

See you on saturday,

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