Top: RedHat
- Acroread
and RH - RH9 and later's default UTF-8 language settings
interfere with Acroread (Adobe Acrobat Reader)
- Building
RHEL - Paul Dwerryhouse's instructions for building RHEL
from source RPMs
Chroot Install - Instructions for bootstrapping CentOS in
a chroot using schroot
- Dual Boot
Fix - Workaround for safely installing Fedora Core2 (also
SuSE 9.1 and Mandrake 10, and any other distribution using a
2.6.x installation kernel) in a dual-boot configuration
without losing the ability to boot MS-Windows
- Fedora Extras
repository - repository has numerous
third-party packages for Fedora, and will eventually be
merged into Fedora
- Fedora
Tracker - Project to track all package versions in all
known Fedora package repositories
- #fedora FAQ -
Frequently Asked Questions from the IRC
network's #fedora channel
- Fedora
Kernel FAQ - Dave Jones's FAQ on Fedora kernel
- Fedora
PPC - Tips by Colin Charles for installing Fedora Core 2
on an iBook G4 or other PowerPC host
Kickstart HOWTO - Quick guide to setting up / configuring
PXEboot and Kickstart
- Fedora
Tutorials - Numerous tutorials on installing and using
Fedora, by Colin Charles
- Fedora News
Updates - Weekly (or bi-weekly) updates on happenings
within the Fedora community.
- Fedora
Upgrade - Upgrading to Fedora from RH9
Flash - How to make Macromedia Flash work on
SELinux-equipped RHEL4 and up, and Fedora Core 3 and up,
- JPackage Project
pepository - Repository of Java packages otherwise
unavailable in Fedora
- Livna repository -
Repository of restricted or patent-encumbered packages
otherwise unavailable in Fedora, including mplayer, xine,
videolan-client, xmms-mp3, many others
and Firewall - RH firewall interferes with NFS and
Network Printer Configuration - How do I configure Red
Hat to print to a network printer?
- NVidia on
Fedora HOWTO - HOWTO: Getting Nvidia [proprietary] binary
driver working with Fedora Core 1
- Package
Format Comparison - Developer and deb/rpm package
maintainer Joey Hess compares/contrasts rpm, deb, slp, and
tgz package formats
- RH
Locale - Rundown of environment variables that control
locale/language settings in RH, which must be reset for many
applications that don't like UTF-8
Editions - Real-world differences among Red Hat
Enterprise Linux's WS, ES, and AS editions
Forks - Community projects based on Red Hat Enterprise
ISOs - Is it legal to duplicate and redistribute Red Hat
Enterprise Linux binary CDs, given contract, trademark, and
copyright encumbrances?
Rebuild - RHEL Rebuild mini-HOWTO by Michael Redinger,
2003-08-03 revision 0.2
- RH
Releases - Table of versions, names, release dates, etc.
about all Red Hat, RHEL, and Fedora Core full releases
RH Upgrade Killed Printing - Upgrading Red Hat caused
printing to my local printer to no longer work
--redhatprovides - Tip to make the 'rpm --redhatprovides'
command more useful
Fedora HOWTO - Fedora Project's RPM HOWTO
Book - 'Maximum RPM' book's online edition
RPM Gurulabs Guide - Gurulabs student document on RPM
Non-root - Quick recipe for setting up a non-root-user
build environment for RPMs
Tutorial 1 - Packaging Software with RPM Part 1
Tutorial 2 - Packaging Software with RPM Part 2
Tutorial 3 - Packaging Software with RPM Part 3
- rsh
and Firewall - RH firewall interferes with rsh
- Tips
and Tricks - Joe Manojlovich's Tips and Tricks, mostly
concerning RH 7.3
Update Setup - Excellent article by Alexander Dalloz on
setup of up2date and yum for Fedora
- X11 Help
RH - How to upgrade XFree86 on a machine with a video
chipset unsupported by that RH release (technique is still
useful; particular package names are obsolete)

Except where otherwise noted, this knowledgebase's contents are
freely redistributable under the CC
BY-SA 4.0 licence, or, at your option, any later version.