Top: Admin
- App Memory
- discussion of tools to better answer the difficult
question of how much RAM particular apps are really
Backspace Keymap Fix - Fixing the keymappings for
Backspace, Delete, etc., once and for all
- Backup
Fallacies / Pitfalls - Ways in which on-line discussion
of Linux backup tends to go off the rails
Backup Halts at /proc - Making sure your backup doesn't
break on the /proc filesystem, and why it breaks
- Backup
Scheme - Example simple backup scheme, listing all parts
of an example Linux system needing to be preserved, and
outlining how to backup and restore
- Backup
with Rsync - Comprehensive coverage of doing incremental,
snapshot, and full backups using rsync
Guide - Excellent guide to BASH shell scripting by
Lhunath and GreyCat
BRU Config - Cure for most-common problems with the BRU
backup utility
Copying Directory Trees - How do I copy/move entire
directory trees, within a machine or between two of
- Cursor
Speedup - How to I make my cursor move more quickly?
dd tutorial - Amazingly detailed and enlightening
tutorial about the dd command
- Desktop v.
WM - X11 desktop environments (DEs) disambiguated from
X11 window managers (WMs)
- Dump
Deprecated? - Is dump deprecated? FAQ explaining how to
safely use dump
- Host
Naming - Schemes for naming computer hosts, along with
links to useful arguments against doing it the wrong way
- Flash
Linux Distros - Linux distributions intended to be loaded
to USB and similar compact flash drives (list maintained up to year 2008)
- Why setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH is (almost) never the right
- Linux
Backups - Karsten M. Self's Linux Backups mini-FAQ
- Live CDs -
List of all known boot-from-CD-ROM (live CD) Linux
- Memory analyser
- Maintained fork of GTK-based analyser utility Exmap,
showing memory usage of processes in a very precise manner,
with the aid of a custom kernel module
- Memory
analyser - Maintained fork of Exmap as a console rather
than GTK+ utility
Memory Usage - How to use memory-reporting tools and
understand process memory usage (snaptshot of unmaintained
page from 2009)
Memory Profiling - How to determine how much memory
processes really consume, on Linux systems
- Mosquito Capital's Doom List -
56 types of disaster likely to kill Musk's Twitter or any other major site some fool tries to run with
a skeleton crew. Cautionary tale for the Web content business.
- Packaging
- Padraig Brady explains Linux distro packaging systems to
newcomers, e.g., why one should avoid circumventing those
systems if possible
Packaging - Mailing list posting about how best to find
or at worst construct a distro package for an application,
and why to prefer distro sourcing over upstream
- Partitioning
Guidelines - Karsten M. Self's partitioning guidelines
for *ix
- Password
Defaults - Factory-default passwords for a large number
of switches, routers, and similar hardware devices (maintained up to 2007)
Redirecting Output - Redirecting output of an
already-running process, using gdb, the GNU debugger
- Release
Files - How to programmatically determine what Linux
distribution / Unix you're on, by parsing /etc/release or
Resizing Linux Partitions - Are there any tools for
non-destructively resizing Linux partitions?
RPM Unpacking - Why it's difficult to unpack/install RPM
packages from within typical, minimal maintenance/recovery
- Small
Linux - Where to find small-footprint Linux
apt-get - Configuring the apt-get utility to
maintain/upgrade/extend packages on SUSE Linux (2004 page!)
Syslog - How to write to the system logs from shell
scripts or shell prompt, using logger
SysRq Keys Support - How do I enable the kernel's Magic
SysRq keys?
- Tape
Backup Software - Inventory of all known tape-backup
software available for Linux
- Tape
Backup Drive Types - Taxonomy of all tape drive types
used in Linux, and salient aspects of each
VFAT Filesystem Ownership - How do I make a filesystem
shared with MS-Windows be writeable by users other than just
the root user?
- Window Managers -
Window Managers for X, field guide maintained by Matt
- Window
Managers - Comprehensive List of Window Managers for
Unix, maintained by Giles Orr
- X Window
System and Motif - Kenton Lee's comprehensive set of
links about X and Motif
- Wireless - Tools
for managing wireless on Debian (and many other) systems

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