Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 21:53:11 -0800 (PST) From: Mark Stone To: Subject: giving back to the community Some of us are less able to contribute to the Linux community through programming prowess. That doesn't mean that there aren't contributions to be made. For about a year and a half I have maintained the Linux Bibliography, a record of all (OK, most) Linux books in print. It occurred to me that I have never announced that fact on this list. Anyway, for those interested in what there is in print, you can look at: Like a lot of the Linux effort this is a work in progress and comes with a few warts on it. You'll need a Javascript capable browser, and yes, I know there is a bug in some of the search options; I'm working on it. My apologies if the interface is a bit slow and cumbersome in places. This is sort of a proof of concept: maintaining state and a click trail record of each visit without using cookies. Anyway, hopefully it will be useful to some. Mark ------------------------------------------------ | Mark Stone (415)392-2665 x226 | | Associate Editor | | Morgan Kaufmann Publishers | ------------------------------------------------