From (Jason S Greanya) 17 Mar 1995 19:25:03 GMT Here's something John Zervos and I thought up: Jordan pick up lines: 1) Rand: Want to see my sword that's not a sword? 2) Ever heard of Maiden's Kiss? 3) Aiel: I have caught you stealing my heart, you now have toh to me. 4) Two Rivers: You cannot sleep with me. 5) Great Game: Nothing is happening in my bedroom, no need to got there. 6) Great Game: I have 5 wagons of grain. 7) Ishy: I am the Dark One. 8) Forsaken: Want to live after the last battle? 9) Rand: I only know of two women who love me. 10) Tam: The Dragon Reborn is the fruit of my loins. 11) Loial: Who ever said I put a short handle on my axe? 12) Mat: I'm talented with the Old Tongue. 13) Nynaeve: Kiss me or I'll box your ears. 14) Min: I see us getting together. 15) Siuan: Want to swim upstream like a salmon and spawn? 16) Anyone to a Green: I'm a man. 17) Galad: Look at me. 18) I'm friends with Bela. 19) Whitecloak: Walk in the Light, but with those legs it'll be difficult. 20) Domani: (Like they need a line.) 21) Duty is heavier than a mountain, and what a pair of mountains you have. 22) Lugarder: Ever seen a Nine Horse Hitch? 23) You must be from Tel'aran'rhiod 'cause you look like you walked out of my dreams. 24) Nynaeve: I'm a wilder, I have more natural talent than any Aes Sedai since the Age of Legends. 25) Brigitte: Come here little boy. 26) Moghedien: Come into my parlor. 27) Perrin: I'm gonna be in book 7, really. 28) Mat: I don't like to blow my own Horn, but when I do, all the Heroes come. 29) Trolloc (to human): Put sword down. Narg no hurt. You put sword down. 30) Sammael: I'm almost as good as Lews Therin. 31) Rand: I have real staying power, I am He Who Comes with the Dawn. 32) Illuminator: What to see some fireworks? 33) Illuminator: I want to light up your night. Any additions would be welcome.