PuTTY is Simon Tatham's SSH-protocol suite for Win32 on x86, and source code. (There are also versions for Win32 on DEC Alpha.) More details at http://linuxmafia.com/pub/linux/security/ssh-clients. Date/Time of Size File Arrival Filename Description ------- ------------ ------------ ----------- 2685 Aug 26 23:38 00index.txt This file you are reading. ----- removed ------ ixplorer-0.18.zip Lars Gunnarsson's iXplorer graphical front end for scp, written in Delphi (Object Pascal) under a free-usage licence. ----- removed ------ pageant-x86-0.53b.exe SSH authentication agent for PuTTY, PSCP, and Plink. Win32 binary under a free-usage licence. ----- removed ------ plink-x86-0.53b A command-line interface to the PuTTY back ends. Win32 binary under a free- usage licence. ----- removed ------ pscp-x86-0.52.exe PSCP is an SCP client -- command-line encrypted file copy. Win32 binary under a free-usage licence. ----- removed ------ psftp-x86-0.52.exe PSFTP is an SFTP client -- i.e., general encrypted file transfer sessions over SSHv2 transport, much like ftp. Win32 binary under a free-usage licence. ----- removed ------ putty-x86-0.53b.exe PuTTY is a graphical telnet and SSH client. Win32 binary under a free- usage licence. ----- removed ------ putty-0.53b-src.zip C source code for all the PuTTY suite, under a free-usage licence. ----- removed ------ puttygen-x86-0.53b.exe PuTTYgen is an RSA-key generator. Win32 binary under a free-usage licence. 271513 Dec 29 22:00 quickputty-with-sources-1.1.4.zip Olivier Deckmyn's QuickPutty puts up a small window to quick-launch your saved PuTTY sessions. Win32 binary and source code under a free-usage licence.