IMPORTANT WARNING: SSH LICENCE CHANGE With version 1.2.28, SSH Communications, Ltd.'s (Tatu Ylönen's) SSH package is (once again) under a more restrictive licence: Some uses that were legal with version 1.2.27 are no longer legal for 1.2.28. Versions Licence Terms -------- ------------- earliest - 1.2.12: Free software, satisfying the Open Source Definiton. 1.2.13 - 1.2.27: "Companies are permitted to use this program as long as it is not used for revenue-generating purposes." 1.2.28 and up: Adds, among other things: "For the avoidance of doubt, the following are considered examples of commercial uses of the Software: (1) use at or for a commercial enterprise." For full details, see the file named COPYING, included with each version. OpenSSH, OSSH, or LSH (SSH server & client implementations by third parties) remain freely usable for any purpose. The first two of those were derived from Ylönen's v. 1.2.12. LSH was written from scratch. WHAT ELSE IS NEW IN 1.2.28: 1. Various Kerberos5-related security fixes. 2. Disallowed access via cipher "none" and unsupported ciphers. 3. Fixed hogging of syslog file handles. 4. Fixed scp to make sure data at the end if files isn't missed. (These comments are summarised from various posts to the SSH mailing list.) Please note that 1.2.28 was replaced by later versions within a week of release.