hrdisk - CorelWine for Debian

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Download: corelwine-cvs_0.1-2_i386 .deb

This is a debianized version of the package corelwine-cvs-20010613-1.i 386.rpm, posted courtesy of the creatorof the RPM package, Michael Torrie. CorelWine was shipped as an indispensablepart of WordPerfect Office 2000 for Linux ("WPO2k4L") respectively in a later,somewhat more stable version as part of the PhotoPaint9 for Linux download from

The package was created on my Debian Woody (testing) machine with libc-2.2.4and Alien version 7.27. The version number "0.1-2" means nothing and isarbitrary. Disclaimer: It works for me (see also below) with WPO; I do not know whetherPhotoPaint runs with it although it could be expected. The package is supportedby noone, to be used at your own risk.


The CorelWine snapshot in the package published here can be installed with

dpkg -i filename

and automatically replaces the version present on your system with an even more stable version that Michael Torrie got from Corel's CVS repository in June 2001. It is not clear, however, when the snapshot was uploaded by Corel. The CVS contents seems not to have changed since.

I installed the package after closing WPO and only needed to restart WPO to get it working. Perhaps you can install CorelWine even before installing WPO4L itself which, when the installer is being run from a shell, should then give you messages in the background that "newer versions of CorelWine will not be overwritten" or some such.


When WPO has crashed and you have killed the pitiful debris of Wine processes with the command


(I have linked the command into the WPO program menu folder) you can mostly start WPO again without problems. If you encounter "fatal errors" and exiting Splash Screens, usually manually deleting files left from before the crash in $home/.wpo2000/wineserver-yourhostname and/or cachedafm:0.0 and cachedmetrics:0.0 files in your home directory is a promt cure.


On my system WPO runs with the CorelWine *.deb under KDE 2.2.1 (from unstable) . To make it work I needed to add in /etc/X11/XF86Config, Section "Files",

FontPath "tcp/" #for wpo fonttastic


Currently (23 Oct 2001) I am experimenting with CUPS which is part ot Debian testing. My solution is (as root of course) to rename /etc/printcap, thereby disabling it, and making a symlink that will be recognized as the new printcap file by WPO.

mv /etc/printcap /etc/printcap_pre-cups
ln -s /etc/printcap.cups /etc/printcap

Feedback please...

I would appreciate if you sent your reports of success or failure to news://cnews.corel. ca/corel.wpoffice.office2000-linux so that other WPO users can benefit. If possible, please send a copy also to my private mail address at 106(you know what to remove here) .


If only you would support WPO2k4L! Please do!

URL: -- created by Andreas von Heydwolff -- 23 Oct 2001 -- Mail

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