Here they are-- the results of the Second Annaul Ghirardelli-Novak Survey. Before I proceed with the actual results though, a few comments. o We had 83 responses this time. I'm impressed-- last year we had some 37 responses. An increase of about 125 %. o Considering the greatly inceased number of respondants, and my _much_ quicker turn-around time for results, I'd say my survey grading techniques were a success. Last year, 37 responses took me weeks (I think) to grade. This year, 83 took me only a couple hours. It may have been a drag on your end, but I feel justified in being picky. o I feel at liberty to speak for Judy here-- We apologize for the bad wording and mischaracterization of several of the questions. Namely, the Hammer/Axe question being in the Yes/No section, the Owyn gaffe, not making the question of book 6's title a short answer question, etc. This is what happens when Judy writes a survey, and I don't spend enough time properly warping it to my own instructions. Next time (I'm pretty sure we'll do this again next year-- I'm not going anywhere) we'll see if we can avoid silly problems like that. o I haven't even attempted to make all the sums equal out to 83, as many people left one or more sections blank for various reasons. I also had a number of judgement calls to make in the short answers section, trying to decide whether or not a given answer is vague enough to pass as an answer or be deleted as an "I don't know." I tried to err on the side of including the answer. o I've done my best to avoid making errors in the grading, but invariably, I'm sure some snuck in. Particularly in the short answer sections, where all my routines were really able to do were separate the answers from one question to another. (If nothing else, typos and spelling mistakes made a human presence necessary.) In some areas, I've done my best to be brief by grouping similar answers together. Most notably, I've generally grouped capitols together with their respective nations (ie, Amador/Amadicia). There were also a number of judgement calls to be made, of course, in the short answers section. (In short, the short answers took me more time to grade than all the other questions put together. I'd like to nix them entirely, but that would leave out a number of interesting questions, I think, and require a good deal more rigidity in the remaining questions.) o To the Powers That Be-- Feel free to record these results into the ftp site where reside the FAQs. I think I can provide last year's, if your interested. And Pam, of course, feel free to take of these what you will for the FAQ itself. o There are question-speciffic comments spersed into the results as they merit. Here they are, then-- the results. Multiple Choice Questions 1 What happened to Moiraine at the docks? 07 A she is dead, never to be seen again 40 B she is alive and stilled 29 C she is alive and not stilled 04 D she is dead, and now in Tel'arin'rhiod 04 E none of the above 2 What happened to Lanfear at the docks? 07 A she is dead, never to be seen again 18 B she is alive and stilled 52 C she is alive and not stilled 04 D she is dead, and now in Tel'arin'rhiod 04 E none of the above 3 What was in Moiraine's letter to Thom? 67 A info about the Red Ajah who gentled Thom 23 B info on how to rescue her 02 C nothing important 11 D none of the above 4 What happened/will happen to Moghedian? 01 A nothing - she's not in Salidar 32 B Nynaeve collars her with the a'dam they have, without AS sanction or knowledge 25 C Nynaeve collars her with the a'dam she gets Elayne to make, without AS sanction or knowledge 02 D the AS collar her 07 E the AS shield/still her 19 F she escapes Salidar and Nynaeve 05 G none of the above 5 Is Egwene 05 A under Fain's spell 00 B a darkfriend, deep in the Shadow 77 C none of the above 6 What's the commotion in Shienar? 10 A Slayer is stirring them up 50 B Hurin's news about Rand is stirring them up 19 C a Forsaken is there 06 D Padan Fain is there 09 E none of the above 1 N ?? 7 Is _Lord of Chaos_ titled for 32 A Rand 19 B the Dark One 08 C Padan Fain 13 D the DO and Rand 07 E all of the above 06 F none of the above 8 Are the following Black Ajah?? 30 A Alanna 21 B Anaiya 18 C Danelle 14 D Sheriam 28 E Carlinya 9 What *is* the deal with Verin? 05 A She is Black Ajah 02 B She is a Forsaken 07 C She is working for Lanfear 00 D She is working for a Forsaken other than Lanfear 21 E She is a sweet and innocent Aes Sedai, just striving for knowledge 00 F She is working for the Whitecloaks 00 G She is working for Padan Fain 00 H She is working for Slayer 48 I none of the above 10 What was up with Gawyn during the coup? 12 A he was involuntarily bonded 55 B he was driven by hate for Siuan Sanche due to her annoying reluctance to fill him in about Elayne and Egwene 13 C he was under the control of a Forsaken 01 D he was being impersonated 10 E none of the above 11 What does Mat "giving up half the light of the world" mean? 74 A he loses an eye 01 B something about half the power no longer working in next age 04 C something to do with Mayene and the lampoil 07 D none of the above 12 Who will die ? 53 A Rand 09 B Mat 02 C Perrin 13 D Faile 08 E Egwene 03 F Elayne 44 G Galad 14 H Gawyn 58 I Elaida 11 J Aviendha 13 K Lan 08 L Thom 04 M Nynaeve 09 N Min 32 O Verin 40 P Morgase 13 In the end will the DO: 45 A be re-sealed 16 B die 03 C win 17 D none of the above 14 What was the Moiraine/Verin thing ("Moiraine sent me"-"I didn't send her")? 07 A a Jordan mistake 01 B Moiraine was lying 25 C Verin was lying 05 D one was being impersonated 33 E a misunderstanding between characters 12 F none of the above 15 Will Rand 32 A die at the end and stay dead 05 B fake his death 35 C die and come back 12 D not die 16 Will Rand break the world 28 A physically 67 B figuratively 02 C not at all 17 What will happen *next* to the Horn? 40 A the good guys get it 35 B the bad guys get it 01 C the Hunters find it 05 D it collects dust in the Tower and is not found until the next Hunt 18 Will the following pair up romantically? 60 A Domon and Egeanain 46 B Morgase and Tallanvor 41 C Leanne and Logain 71 D SS and Gareth Bryne 19 Who said "IT IS NOT HERE" at the end of _The Eye of the World_? 49 A the Creator 03 B the DO 04 C Ishmael 11 D Lews Therin Telamon 12 E none of the above 20 Who is really dead, not just missing or hiding? 61 A Ishmael 63 B Geofram Bornhald 67 C Ingtar 72 D Asmodean 08 E Lanfear 10 F Moiraine 76 G Rahvin 09 H Luc 21 What is the deal with Lan's Bond? 02 A he is still bonded to Moiraine (which assumes she is alive) 09 B he is now bonded to Nynaeve 62 C he is now bonded to Myrelle, who will pass the bond on to Nynaeve 04 D he is now bonded to Myrelle, who will pass the bond on to someone else (not Nynaeve) 06 E he is now bonded to Myrelle, who will keep his Bond for herself 01 F he is now bonded to someone other than Moiraine or Myrelle or Nynaeve 00 G none of the above 22 Where is Gaidal Cain? 12 A He is Uno 04 B He is Logain 13 C He will be born to Rand and Aviendha 23 D He will be born to Perrin and Faile 00 E He will be born to Mat and tDotNMs (the Daughter of the Nine Moons, - hey why not?) 23 F We won't see him in the books again 02 G ?? 01 H ?? 23 Who killed Asmodean? 35 Lanfear 10 Anonymous or unknown Forsaken 05 Semirhage 04 Sammael 05 Ishamael 03 Demandred 03 Padan Fain/Mordeth 02 Mazrim Taim 02 The Dark One 02 Mesaana 01 Graendal 01 Lanfear and Mesaana 01 Conan 01 his mother 01 A lieutenant 01 Piglet 24 Who is the most annoying female character? 24 Nynaeve 24 Egwene 06 Elaida 05 Aviendha 04 Siuan Sanche 03 Liandrin 03 Moiraine 02 Berelain 02 ELAYNE 01 Faolain 01 Sorilea 01 Lanfear 01 Verin 01 Nynaeve AND Lanfear 01 Bela 01 Moghedien 01 Graendal 25 Who is the most annoying male character? 24 Mat 13 Galad 03 Rand 02 Perrin 06 Fain 03 Uno 03 Child Byar 02 Cenn Buie 02 Masema 02 Bayle Domon 02 Valan Luca 02 Lan 01 Sammael 01 Thom 01 Hari Coplin 01 Gawyn 01 Mazrim Taim 01 Aram 01 Asmodean 01 Tallanvor 01 Logain 01 Roy 01 "The Thief Catcher" (Which I take to be Juilan) 01 "borhald" (Which could be either Geofram or Dain) 01 Robert Jordan 26 Where is Graendal? 29 Seanchan 14 Shara 06 Saldaea 04 Hiding/sleeping/lost 03 Amador/Amadicia 02 Somewhere in the Borderlands 02 Tarabon/Tanchico 02 Shienar/Fal Dara 01 Arad Doman 01 Caemlyn 01 Cairhein 01 With the Sea Folk 01 At a circus 01 Vegas 27 Who is the man with Graendal in the Prologue of tFoH (man in coat that looks slept in) 16 Jain Farstrider 09 No one important/No one known to us readers 04 Geofram Bornhold 03 Fain 03 Pedron Niall 03 An anonymous deposed King/ruler 02 Sammael 01 Mazrim Taim 01 The Emperor of Shara 01 Gareth Bryne 01 A Seanchan sniffer 01 Lord Barthanes 01 A seeker 01 Ishamael 01 Demandred 01 Lord Agelmar 01 Peter Falk 01 Fudd 28 Where is Morgase headed? 40 Salidar 27 Amador/Amadicia/To the Whitecloaks 02 To Gareth Bryne 02 To Gareth Bryne's estates 01 To raise an army 01 Emond's Field 01 Tanchico 01 Saldea 01 No place in particular 01 White Tower 29 Who will Egwene end up with? 49 Gawyn 14 Galad 12 No one (varying reasons) 03 Galad and Gawyn 01 Loial 01 The Dark One 30 Jain Farstrider is 25 dead 12 No one/No one we will see 07 With Graendal 06 No one we know, yet 08 Jain Farstrider 08 Elyas Machera 01 Bela 01 Bayle Domon 31 Who will marry Mat? 45 Daughter of the Nine Moons/Variants on "Seanchan Princess" 07 Berelain 04 Tuon (Second Daughter of the Empress, currently favored) 04 The EMpress of the Seanchan herself 03 Cerandin 01 First Daughter of the Empress 01 Tulu 03 The Empress' Daughter put to the Question, mentioned tFoH, 36, "A Short Spear", p372 01 Leader of the Seanchan Return 01 "The girl with the broken spear" 32 Who will use the female sa'angreal on Tremalking?? 45 Nynaeve 15 Egwene 07 Elayne 03 Lanfear 02 Aviendha and Elayne 02 Aviendha 01 Aviendha and Egwene 01 Aviendha and Nynaeve 01 Nynaeve, Elayne, and Egwene 01 Nynaeve, Elayne, Aviendha and Egwene 01 Nynaeve, some forsaken, & possiblay Verin 33 Who will discover the Song? 13 Perrin 13 Rand 13 Loial 11 No one 06 Aram 03 Perrin and Loial 02 Perrin, Aram, and Loial 01 Rand and Perrin 01 Aram and Perrin 01 Elyas 01 Loial, Gaul, Chiad, Bain, and Aram 01 Aram, Chaid, and Bain 01 Valan Luca 01 Gaul 01 Loial and Rand 01 Aram and Loial 01 Min 01 Loial, Aram, Gaul and Perrin 01 Perrin, Loial, and the Tinkers 01 Midnight Oil 01 Banjo Paterson 01 Bela 34 Who will be collared in the future? 24 Moghedian 22 Rand 13 Elayne 11 Various unnamed Aes Sedai 06 Elaida 03 Aviendha 03 Egwene 03 Nynaeve 02 Mesaana 02 Mazrim Taim 02 Graendal 01 Edesina 01 Lanfear 01 Liandrin 01 Sheriam 01 Faolin 01 Alviarin 01 Seanchan Empress' Daughter 01 Seanchan Empress 01 Moiraine 01 Demandred 01 Sammael 01 Semirhage 01 Erica 35 Who will off Padan Fain? 23 Rand 22 Mat 10 Perrin 09 No one 04 Himself 01 Thom 01 Perrin and Nynaeve 01 Faile 01 Aviendha 01 Perrin and Rand 01 Egwene 01 The Dark One 01 Rand traps him with the DO. 36 Who did Rand have in mind for the Throne of Cairhein? 31 Moiraine 14 Galad 10 Thom 06 Thom and Moiraine 05 Elayne 03 Berelaine 02 Mat 01 Sorilea 01 LOGAIN 01 Galad 01 MORGASE THE FOLLOWING ARE YES/NO QUESTIONS 37 Has Ny lost her Block? 25 Yes 58 No 38 Assuming Moiraine is alive, will Thom save her? 74 Yes 08 No 39 Will Perrin be in the next book? 81 Yes 01 No 40 Is Aviendha pregnant? 68 Yes 14 No 41 Is Faile pregnant? 45 Yes 37 No 42 Will Mat kill Sammael? 34 Yes 45 No 43 Did the Seanchan take Tanchico? 51 Yes 31 No 44 Will the Seanchan capture Salidar and the Tower in Exile? 27 Yes 52 No 45 Is Fain the Dark One? 01 Yes 81 No 46 Are all the seals broken now? 08 Yes 74 No 47 Is the DO loose? 08 Yes 76 No 48 Will Thom marry Moiraine (if she's alive) ? 68 Yes 12 No 49 Is Thom Elayne's da? 53 Yes 28 No 50 Will Rand lose his hand? 43 Yes 36 No 51 Will Rand lose his mind? 52 Yes 32 No 52 Will Rand slay any kin or other loved ones by the end of the series? 32 Yes 48 No 53 Will Logain get the Power back? 53 Yes 28 No 54 Will Siuan Sanche get the Power back? 33 Yes 48 No 55 Will Perrin pick the axe or the hammer? 41 Hammer 19 Axe 13 Yes 04 No 03 Both 56 Will Bayle Domon lose the sad-bracelets in the ocean? 12 Yes 70 No 57 Will Egwene be next Amyrlin? 71 Yes 12 No 58 Will Dragonmount erupt? 36 Yes 43 No 59 Will Shayol Ghul erupt? 41 Yes 40 No 60 Will there be an eclipse when Rand spills his blood? 56 Yes 26 No 61 Will Galad lead the Whitecloaks for Rand? 54 Yes 28 No 62 Is Randland our future earth? 52 Yes 28 No 63 Will Logain pull the Sword from the Stone? 38 Yes 42 No 64 Will Ny find a way to Heal stilling? 55 Yes 25 No 65 Will Ny find a way to Heal gentling? 54 Yes 26 No 66 Will the Taint be removed from the Male half of the Source? 59 Yes 22 No 67 Will Perrin lose himself and become a Howler? 04 Yes 79 No 68 Will Faile be the next Queen of Saldaea? 58 Yes 24 No 69 Will there be any more "Bubbles of Evil"? 70 Yes 12 No 70 Will there be a "New Manatheren"? 66 Yes 15 No 71 Is there some treasure hidden in the Mountains of Mist? 50 Yes 32 No 72 Will Perrin and Faile tell Tam his "son" is the Dragon Reborn? 57 Yes 23 No 73 Will Perrin and Faile tell Abel his son blew the Horn of Valere? 49 Yes 31 No 74 Will we meet the people of Shara? 60 Yes 22 No 75 Will we go to and see the land of the Seanchan (again)? 78 Yes 04 No 76 Will any of the good guys be turned to the Dark Side by 13` Fades and Dreadlords? 39 Yes 41 No 77 Will Rand be gentled? 08 Yes 72 No 78 Will Perrin free Luc from the Dreamworld and kill Isam? 42 Yes 36 No 79 Is Mat still linked to the Horn, since he shuffled off this mortal coil? 55 Yes 26 No 80 Is Aram the Tinker a Darkfriend? 37 Yes 42 No 81 Is Birgitte still Bound to the Wheel? 55 Yes 25 No 82 Is Birgitte still a Hero of the Horn? 50 Yes 29 No 83 Is Verin Corianin Nedeal? 11 Yes 69 No 84 Will Rand go home to the Two Rivers in the next book? 20 Yes 61 No 85 Will we see Valan Luca again? 64 Yes 16 No 86 Is Cerandin from Valan Luca's show the Daughter of the Nine Moons? 16 Yes 63 No 87 Will we ever see Jain Farstrider? 33 Yes 48 No Traditional Questions: 88 Which is your favorite book of the 5 14 A _The Eye of the World_ 06 B _The Great Hunt_ 11 C _The Dragon Reborn_ 46 D _The Shadow Rising_ 14 E _The Fires of Heaven_ 89 Which is your LEAST favorite book of the 5 10 A _The Eye of the World_ 25 B _The Great Hunt_ 21 C _The Dragon Reborn_ 08 D _The Shadow Rising_ 10 E _The Fires of Heaven_ 90 How many books will it take all together until the Tale is Told? 03 Seven 49 Eight 16 Nine 06 Ten 01 Thirteen 01 Fifteen or more 02 Many/Lots -- John S. Novak, III