********************************************************************** Hi, This is Ken Kofman, sending out yet another _As The Wheel Turns_ posting. I suppose I should put some sort of copyright notice on this, so here goes: Copyright, Ken Kofman (c) 1994. All rights reserved except for those that Tor and Robert Jordan deserve, and except that anyone who wants to copy this material may do so, so long it remains unaltered, including this notice, and so long as no fees of any kind are charged for its use. In other words, enjoy it, show it to all your friends, be inspired to run your own game, but since I'm not making any money off of this, you shouldn't either. I hope I did that right. Anyway, KenK ken@ictv.com ********************************************************************** The Nine Rods of Dominion One to come and one to go One above and one below One a friend and one a foe One to hide and one to know. Creation Nine Rods rule over all Eight Ajah preserve and fall Seven Ages of the Wheel Six Bound to serve the dead Five Flows create the Weave Four Peoples born to live Three Supports of all the worlds Two Powers never to be whole One Dragon on the winds of Time. Summary of Session 3 of _As the Wheel Turns_ 5-7-94 And so it was in the darkness of night, that Randy Carter did awaken from Dream. Grievous injuries did she suffer in those realms of deepest slumber, yet did she return from tel'aran'rhiod, the world of true Dreaming, to find herself awash amidst her own blood, her spirit floating amongst dizzying heights from which few return. Yet did she retain strength enough to cough. Her intended words, surely are lost to time and the Turnings of the Wheel, yet did Jennifer and Selene rise to the sound of Randy Carter's distress, and they did attend to her to the limits of their abilities. For Randy Carter's wounds were many and grievous. Her body bore the foul clawings of a Trolloc, and those of something fouler still. Her legs were splayed unnaturally, as though some monstrous force had begun to split them asunder. In horror, Selene did voice her thoughts in soft spoken words, that perhaps Randy Carter did acquire these words in Dream, for all who had accompanied Kareina Sedai and Randy Carter did eventually learn of Randy Carter's rare Talent for Walking in Dream, though this Talent was untrained. But in her anger, in her fear, in her dark despair, Jennifer did scorn Selene's gentle words, ordering her to boil water. Yet the gracious Selene said no word, and she did boil water at Jennifer's command. Then did Jennifer marshal the little she knew of her world's wonders toward the goal of healing Randy Carter. And the wonders of that wondrous place, the place called Earth were such that the merest glimmerings of their deep knowledge allowed Jennifer to preserve the life of her companion, Randy Carter. Jennifer did manage to staunch the flow of blood until the life of Randy Carter was no longer in jeopardy, and did keep her wounds from the ravages of infection. The lady Selene did surely learn much in those early morning hours, as she helped Jennifer in whatever small way she could. Yet to heal Randy Carter's legs was beyond the skill of Jennifer, and Selene's meagre assistance could not be enough to sway the balance. Then did an exotic woman come upon this scene of misery. Little did she say about her past, calling herself only Kei. She was not a healer, not did she claim any Ability to channel the One Power, but some skill in survival she did have, and her ability extended even into skills that might be called healing, though her skills were but rudimentary. Still did the woman Kei pull Randy Carter's legs back into place, that they might heal of themselves. All of her strength did Kei throw into the effort, until finally the deed was done. But Randy Carter had fallen into a deathly sleep from the pain and from the blood that no longer flowed through her veins. Then did Selene notice the ter'angreal that Jennifer had seen when first the two women, so different, joined to preserve the life of Randy Carter. This ter'angreal in the form of a statue, a woman in stately repose, was a parting gift from Kareina Sedai to Randy Carter. But the ter'angreal had lost its nobility, for the statue was bent into contortions similar to yet worse by far than those suffered by Randy Carter. And it's face was racked with agony. Surely, such injuries could only kill even the strongest warrior and surely Randy Carter herself. Yet, Selene believed, Randy Carter had suffered those injuries, but was protected by the mysterious power of the ter'angreal, power that had exhausted itself in the ordeal. But Randy Carter did survive. And when these matters were brought to a temporary conclusion, then did Jennifer turn her attention toward the newcomer, toward Kei, for Kei and her people, now gone, had been attacked by Trollocs, perhaps the very same that attacked Emond's Field in the Two Rivers only a few days past. And in her dazed despair over her loss, did Kei, younger even than Jennifer or Randy Carter, speak words that did frighten Jennifer, for she spoke of Trollocs who had just attacked her, though this had happened a few days in the past. And Jennifer dealt forcefully with Kei, for Jennifer would know of the Trolloc threat and from whence it came. But Kei was more concerned about Suldan, whom she knew not, and when she and Jennifer approached his blankets, they did find him dead, torn asunder though he had taken no step from where he slumbered. But Jennifer was concerned about the immediate danger facing them all, for without Aes Sedai or brave warriors, Trollocs are a most fearsome threat. And Jennifer did command Selene to build a stretcher to bear Randy Carter. And Jennifer did begin to set fire to the trees around her, to ward off Trollocs. But then she had a change of heart, deciding that a few moments of rest, quiet contemplation, and a cup of hot tea was a more prudent course of action. And Selene did brew tea for Jennifer, in accordance with her wishes. And it was evening, and it was morning, a new day. And on that morning did another traveller come across these weary companions, a man named Auric. And he did convince them to bear Randy Carter unto the city of Baerlon, for there might be found a healer of skill and deep knowledge, whose healing would be slower but no less sure than that of an Aes Sedai, wrapped in the power of saidar. Then, in the small city of Baerlon, did the travellers stay. Auric did scour the small city for the best healer of Baerlon. For six days did the Healer come unto the inn, unto The Juggling Fool, to pour vile fluids into Randy Carter's mouth and to spread foul ointments into Randy Carter's skin. On the first day did the healer command Randy Carter to stay abed, and to this command did Randy Carter adhere with fervent devotion, for she could do naught else, even had she tried. And on the first night she did sleep, and did not dream nor did she Dream. And so it was for all six nights of Randy Carter's recovery under the able ministrations of the elderly healer, wise in the ways of medicine. The people of Earth itself, with all their power and knowledge, could have done no better, even had they poured blood into Randy Carter's veins and arteries. But by the sixth day, Randy Carter did become restless, her bed did become a place of confinement. Only the stern word of the Healer did keep Randy Carter in her place, though she felt herself in full health. And on the sixth day did Auric test his skill at word against the Children of the Light, who did frequent Baerlon in no small numbers in that time, yet did the obdurate Children see through his subterfuge, and through his foul accusation of a woman he had never seen been before that day. For he did tell the Children of the Light that she was an Aes Sedai of the Black Ajah. The hatred which the Children of the Light harbor toward all Aes Sedai of all Ajah is known throughout the world, and so, when the Child of the Light raised his sword to strike down the Aes Sedai where she stood, he did not find himself bound by the Power, nor coerced in any way. Thus did he know the woman innocent, for to a Child of the Light there are few crimes worse than channeling the One Power, or calling oneself an Aes Sedai. Then the man Auric did flee that place, followed by the Children of the Light, and all of Baerlon did see this flight. Auric did elude the Children of the Light, but his memory would not be lost to Baerlon for some time to come, yet his purpose in this matter remains unknown, until this day. Also as the sixth day drew to a close, and the seventh evening begin, did the strange bookseller Nirevmai and her husband, Albert, come into the city. Not since last a Gleeman set foot in Baerlon was there a spectacle such as this, for she did set up her wares as though she were setting up a carnival. Many people did enter the gloom of evening streets to see what could be seen, and some did purchase books, despite themselves. Even Kei and Selene did look upon her wares, but Selene did not buy, for Nirevmai was selling books of adventure signed by Jain Farstrider himself. Yet did Selene sniff to herself, and say only, "That's Jaim Farstrider," in a voice that only Kei could hear. But Selene, Nirevmai, Kei and Albert did share dinner upon that evening, and interesting conversation. Yet Albert shared neither his conversation, nor his dinner, of which there was a great amount. And so it came to pass, that on the seventh night, for Randy Carter did first arrive in Baerlon as the day drew toward its close, that Randy Carter did find herself in Dream, as she had done once before. And in dream she did behold a great map, indeed, that selfsame map of the Metro in the exact place that she did find herself before. Then did the lure of Unknown Kadath draw Randy Carter toward the train, and its press of people. Once before did Randy Carter travel along this Line in Dream, and now she did so again. For to attain the city of Unknown Kadath was her life's goal, a purpose that required no reason, no explanation. Then did the train empty itself slowly, even as it had done once before, and Randy Carter did leave this train for another, as she had done before. All was as it had been, yet there were new signs among the others, telling people of a book called _The Nine Rods of Dominion_. At every station of the train was such a sign, for that is the way of signs on Earth, even in the city of Montreal, for the people of Earth require many signs before any signs are heeded. Some believe that the people of Earth see too many signs, and any new signs must be revealed again and again, lest they be lost amongst the older, more familiar signs. Yet this sign did disturb Randy Carter in some unspoken way, even as the second train made its way into the place of Change called Station, even as Jennifer appeared behind Randy Carter, assessing the danger. But in Dream, as in life, did Jennifer go forward, as did Randy Carter, for she would not be deterred from Unknown Kadath. And as did happen once before, so too did it happen again. For Trollocs did come forth into the empty train where Randy Carter and Jennifer did watch for danger, yet Kei and Auric now were with them, and stood bravely though neither was a warrior skilled and strong, or an Aes Sedai channeling flows of the True Source. But more Trollocs there were also, and Jennifer did in desperation use her ter'angreal. Seven times did her ter'angreal make a great and deafening noise, and five times did a Trolloc fall, until the Trollocs were almost upon her. Then she did raise her bow to kill again, but the bow was quickly broken. In her other hand did she hold a knife of metal wrought by the unknown Powers of the place called Earth, and this blade did she thrust into the Trolloc looming before her, even as the Trolloc did crush her with a mighty blow. Awareness left her. Surely would Jennifer have died, yet the Trollocs turned toward Randy Carter, somehow overcoming their instinct to eat whatever was most easily available. Yet Randy Carter did, in desparation summon forth her vast Talent in tel'aran'rhiod, and forced the Trollocs away, banishing them to another's dream or to oblivion. And the two remaining Trollocs did back away in terror, for each had been fighting with Kei and with Auric, unable to vanquish yet a foe beyond the ability of either. Thus did Randy Carter find herself on the brink of the Second Change, when she must leave the relative safety of this train for the unspeakable horrors of the next. And Randy Carter did attempt to return her companions to the waking world, yet in her heart she wanted the comforting presence of others on her quest for Unknown Kadath, and so her friends remained in Dream. Eager were they to face danger on her behalf, though they knew not for what they stood ready. But as that third train drew nigh, belching horrible smoke unto the heavens, Randy Carter had a change of heart. Jennifer, at least, she would return to the waking world whether she would or no, for Jennifer was injured and could be of no help along this journey. For only the briefest moment could she stand against a Trolloc, or even stagger, and on this train there were things worse than Trollocs. Then did Randy Carter summon forth her will and pushed Jennifer out of Dream. And in the growing use of her Talent did Randy Carter realize that in Dream she could take unto herself the power of those without her Talent. Her own abilities could she fuel with the embers of their very being, body and soul. As she banished Jennifer she tasted her vast potential, and in returning her to the waking world knew that she could turn such potential to her own purpose, toward the purpose of attaining Unknown Kadath. Then did Randy Carter know that Unknown Kadath lay within reach, the goal of a lifetime. Jennifer was now gone, but two others remained, Auric and Kei. Randy Carter could not feel any trace of saidar in either, but in Dream could sense that they too possessed incredible raw potential, if not equalling that of Jennifer. But Randy Carter did send Auric to his body, perhaps fearing what she might do. Now only Kei remained, and Randy Carter still knew that with Kei's raw ability, she still could attain Unknown Kadath, though through great trials. Randy Carter closed her eyes, even as the attainment of her dream faded to darkness, and then returned Kei to where she belonged. And then willed herself awake. Jennifer was injured, for wounds suffered in tel'aran'rhiod persist in the waking world, and death suffered in tel'aran'rhiod is as final a death as in the waking world, yet did Randy Carter Heal Jennifer as best she could, though she remained untrained, and the Healing incomplete. And in utter exhaustion did Randy Carter fall again into slumber, to find herself in Montreal, standing before the map. Yet on this occaission did Randy Carter eschew the Metro and the lure of Unknown Kadath, nor did she seek other destinations. Instead, she ascended unto the streets of Montreal, a city greater than any upon the world, yet not considered among the great cities of Earth. And she did meet a man, offering passage to Unknown Kadath, but would pay no price, again turning from awesome temptation, turning toward the city of her youth, the air as fresh as a dream and the familiar sights and sounds of home. And in this Montreal of Dream she did wander, to places left undisturbed by myth or legend. Then did she awake, even as the sun's first rays did peek through the shuttered window of her room, in the Juggling Fool, in Baerlon. And it was evening, and it was morning, the seventh day.