Q. Do I have to be married to have safe E-MAIL? A. Although married people E-MAIL quite often, there are many single people who E-MAIL to complete strangers every day. Q. My parents say they never had E-MAIL when they were young and were only allowed to write their memos to each other until they were twenty-one. How old do you think someone should be before they can E-MAIL? A. E-MAILing can be performed at any age once you learn the correct procedures. Q. If I E-MAIL something to myself, will I go blind? A. Certainly not, as far as we can see. Q. There is a place on our street where you can go to pay to E-MAIL, is this legal? A. Yes! Many people have no other outlet for their E-MAIL drives and must pay a "professional" when their need to E-MAIL becomes too great. Q. Should a cover always be used for E-MAILing? A. Unless you are really sure of the one you are E-MAILing to, a cover should be used to insure safe E-MAIL. Q. What happens when I incorrectly do the procedure and I E-MAIL prematurely? A. Don't panic, many people prematurely E-MAIL when they haven't E-MAILed in a long time. Just start over, most people won't mind if you try again. Q. I have a personal and a business E-MAIL, can transmissions become mixed up? A. Being bi-E-MAILual can be confusing, but as long as you use a cover with each one, you won't transmit anything you're not supposed to.