For immediate release --------------------- Redmond, Wash., Jan. 7th, 2007 -- Linux under scrutiny from the US DoJ The United States Department of Justice (US DoJ) has recently announced its intention to carry out an inquiry regarding the monopoly of Linux (NASDAQ: LNUX) and Linux-like systems on the market of computer operating systems. According to several analysts who expressed their wish to remain anonymous, Linux has become a de-facto standard by allegedly using illegal commerce practices: - free availability of the Linux system and of its derivatives (AIX, Solaris, DG-UX, BSD/OS, ...) - under-the-table price agreements ("free") - use of unpaid volunteers Usage of the Internet to promote this dominance is highly suspected, and could be considered as added prosecution material. This inquiry was initiated following a class-action lawsuit from several small software editors (Microsoft, Oracle, Netscape, IBM) -- these companies believe their business activities are compromised by these illegal practices. Most of the above-mentioned plaintiffs have regrouped under the banner "Windows NT10.0" to offer " of superior quality, reliability and performance." On a side note, Windows NT (WNT) now ships with its complete sources in human-readable form, which is not the case with recent versions of Linux. Invented by Microsoft, this is now a proven way to develop quality software. Endorsement of this concept by Microsoft is stronger than ever, as shown by their now ubiquitous sticker "100% Pure Sources Inside" (TM). -- [Written by Pierre Beyssac , translated by Pierre and Philippe Regnauld .]