SWEET SAVAGE STAR TREK ssst.1a.Z "Sweet Savage Star Trek: The Romance Novel" Part One of the torrid romance Sweet Savage Star Trek ssst.1b.Z SSST:TRN, part 2 Part Two of the above wondrous work of literature ssst.1c.Z SSST:TRN, part 3 Part Three of this pulse-pounding, action-packed, lust-drenched, etc. ssst.1d.Z SSST:TRN, part 4 Finally, the star-smashing conclusion of Sweet Savage Star Trek! ssst.1filk.Z SSST:TRN, a filk "soundtrack" This is a file of filksongs provided for the soundtrack to Sweet Savage Star Trek -- The Romance Story ssst.2.Z "SSST: The Murder Mystery" The crazed Trek fans from CIS's SF&F Forum strike again! ssst.3.Z "SSST: The Near Side of the Zone" This installment is a more serious endevor than previous. "Permission is hereby granted for Earl "Shiva" Cooley, System Operator of SMOF-BBS, to utilize the files known as "Sweet Savage Star Trek - The Romance Story" and "Sweet Savage Star Trek - The Murder Mystery" (and any other stories the crew comes up with). These files originated on CompuServe's Science Fiction and Fantasy Forum. /s Wilma Meier, Chief Sysop, SF&F Forum, CompuServe"