[sf-lug] September 2024 SF-LUG Mtg

Michael Paoli michael.paoli at berkeley.edu
Mon Aug 26 13:49:46 PDT 2024

Are you suggesting change to the text of the web page?
There are some folks that have the access (I shouldn't
have to do everything).
Let me know if you want account and such access.
# (for u in al grantbow jstockford kdavalos; do echo "$u:"; sudo -l -U
"$u" | sed -ne '/may run/,${/sflugwww/p;}'; done)
    (root) NOPASSWD: /bin/su - sflugwww
    (root) /bin/su - sflugwww
    (root) /bin/su - sflugwww
    (root) /bin/su - sflugwww
So ... thus far four folks in addition to
myself that have the requisite access
to be able to make changes there.
I know also also Jim Stockford wanted to
change it from PHP to static web page
(where the next meeting date part would be
updated via cron, rather than using PHP on
the web page).  Jim never got around
to doing that, I know Kim was interested in
doing it, but likewise never got to that,
... so there's also always still that if someone
wants to take that part on too.

... ssh, sudo, vi (or most any editor one wants).
And with ssh and sudo, the editing needn't even
happen on the server. ... ssh/scp, chmod, sudo, cp
But no, not from some Microsoft thingy via FTP
(did once have one person that said that's all
they could do).

On Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 9:13 AM <aaronco36 at sdf.org> wrote:
> Quoting the still current SF-LUG webpage www.sf-lug.org
> (current as of this writing) :
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> * virtual remains:
> https://meet.jit.si/sf-lug.org
> Browser: one will need sufficiently recent version of, e.g.
> Chromium, Chrome, or possibly Firefox - in any case one that well
> supports WebRTC.
> Dial-in (audio alternative or audio only): +1.512.647.1431
> PIN: 524 338 639#
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> OTOH, directly quoting Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> from this
> June's posting http://linuxmafia.com/pipermail/sf-lug/2024q2/016014.html
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> That's a bit ludicrous.  It's 2024.  You'd have to search really _hard_
> to find a sufficiently ancient graphical Web browser that doesn't work
> with Jitsi Meet.  Probably MSIE.
> Just say "Web browser", for heaven's sake.  Alternatively, there are
> bespoke Jitsi Meet clients for desktop and smartphone OSes.
> And yes, Jitsi Project does have a painfully exact "supported browsers"
> list.
> https://jitsi.github.io/handbook/docs/user-guide/supported-browsers/
> Even there, context matters:  These are versions _guaranteed_ to have
> not a trace of problems, i.e., specifically tested and vetted.  That
> doesn't mean, say, Firefox 67, a 2019 piece of software, wouldn't work.
> It would.  Practically anything from the last 20 years would.

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