[sf-lug] Interesting init systems Q and A article

aaronco36 at sdf.org aaronco36 at sdf.org
Sun Jun 2 12:49:58 PDT 2024

Interesting and highly-relevant (at least to me) Distrowatch article as
presented near the end of today's SF-LUG meeting

Questions and Answers (by Jesse Smith)
Comparing init systems

Quoting first few paragraphs from article:
Comparing init systems

This-or-that asks: One of the things I pay some attention to is the "init
diversity" spins of Antix -- and I always think of you when I read about
them. You would seem one of the few qualified to render
comparison/contrasting opinions. What do you think of the available init

Jesse Smith answers: Thank you. While I might be qualified to talk about
init software, or at least some init software and related services, I will
also state right up front that I also have a conflict of interest. I'm
currently the maintainer for SysV init (and a few related tools) so I have
more familiarity and, perhaps, more appreciation for how SysV does things.
With that said, I do try to maintain an open mind and I do think there are
good and bad aspects to all of the init implementations available to Linux
users today. Let's talk about them!



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