[sf-lug] Mailman privacy alert

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri May 31 21:55:24 PDT 2024

Quoting B. Sellers (bliss-sf4ever at dslextreme.com):

>     I had recieved no mail from the SF-LUG list so I tried to resubscribe.

Your e-mail address "Bobbie Sellers" <bliss-sf4ever at dslextreme.com> is 
subscribed, and delivery is _enabled_.

You are also subscribed as "Bobbie Sellers" <bliss at mouse-potato.com>, 
with delivery disabled by the listadmin.

That means that Mailman sends bliss-sf4ever at dslextreme.com a subscriber
copy of every posting. Whether you see what it sends is a matter between
you and your ISP.

> The result is as you see above but I have not seen mail seen by
> others and quoted to me in separate email.

Again, Mailman is sending you subscriber copies.  It's possible that
DSLextreme is choosing to spambox or discard your mail.  I would have
absolutely no idea what they do with your mail, Bobbie.  

By the way, you could easily have verified for youreself, without my
help, that bliss-sf4ever at dslextreme.com is subscribed and has delivery
enabled.  Mailman fully enables you to manage your own subscriptions,
and every copy of Mailman does this.

To see if you are currently subscribed, and what subscription options
are set, start at the "listinfo" link stated at the bottom of every
posting:  http://linuxmafia.com/mailman/listinfo/sf-lug 

A Mailman mailing list's "listinfo" page is your central place for
checking things, looking at the Web archive, changing your subscriber
options, changing your mailing list subscription password, looking at
the membership roster, etc.

On that page, scroll down to this fill-in field:

   To unsubscribe from sf-lug, get a password reminder, or change your
   subscription options enter your subscription email address:

Enter the e-mail address you wish to verify is subscribed.  Hit the
"Unsubscribe or edit options" button.  

That takes you to http://linuxmafia.com/mailman/options/sf-lug, where
you can see that is _indeed_ subscribed and has delivery enabled.  If
you try to change any of the options, you'll be prompted for your
existing subscription password.  If, like many people, you have no
recollection what that password is, the same page has a "Click this
button to have your password emailed to your membership address" button.
Click that, find your subscription password in your mailbox.

You can, of course, do a number of other things on that page, such as
set a _new_ subscription password, perhaps one easier to remember.

More information about the sf-lug mailing list