[sf-lug] NVMe, M.2 form factor & subtypes, SATA vs. PCIe, SLC vs. TLC NAND

Ken Shaffer kenshaffer80 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 17 17:42:30 PDT 2023

One other detail to investigate: Is your M2 PCI a 3 or a 4?  The SSD
devices may come in both varieties, so if you actually have a PCIe4
slot, spending a little more for a PCIe4 SSD doubles your speed. I
recently replaced some spinning disks with SSD, and noticed my pretty
current MSI laptop actually had one M2 slot that was PCIe4 (with a
PCIe3 SSD original equipment). Got a PCIe4 SSD to replace it, and used
it to replace a hard disk in another laptop.

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