[sf-lug] Meeting notes, lately at Distro watch and maybe a bit of news.

Bobbie Sellers bliss-sf4ever at dslextreme.com
Sun Jun 4 15:39:21 PDT 2023

Hi LUGers,

	Notes of SF-LUG meeting of June 4, 2023
	Well it was a pretty good meeting.
Which is what I wrote when I thought I had lost my notes.
	I (aka Bobbie/bliss) got to the meeting on time this month.
	We asked for a change what people were doing.
	11:05 Ken S showed up.  He has been using the new Installer which comes 
wiith Ubuntu.  It has one flaw in that the User cannot
chose the size of the EFI partition and the Installer wants to make
it one (1) Gibibyte/GB which is many times larger than needed.
	Maybe they are using it for more than the EFI or maybe their
tools are not able to hold it to the 300 MB which is still large.
	He is running a lot of stuff in KVM, which is a Virtual Machine,
to test the distro and devoting his time to helping people with their
Ubuntu problems.  He is still running MicroEmacs from the Amiga but due
to changes it can no longer be compiled.
	We note in discussion that the informational indicators such as
the one that flickers to show the microphone is working position seems
to be dependent on the browser used0.
	11:10 Ron from BC showed up and was still at the meeting when
I left.

	11:14 Aaron C. came along.  Has been compiling GNU Emacs from
source for version 28.21.04.  Has been using Joe's Own editor which runs
in terminal.
	Also recommends Bluefish as editor for Python but is aimed at the 
developers and Web developers.  He has been testing the development
version of Debian's forthcoming offering Bookworm via Virtual Box 
tunning in Debian Bullseye.  As well he has been testing Lilidog, 
Crunchband ++,
	11:44 Johnation D. from Wyoming checked in next.  Johnathan has been 
listening to informational educational podcasts about various aspects of 
computing and will doubtless favor us with upcoming dates and
times.  We discussed the problems with Libraries and computing books
and he is in Wyoming which is not a place with much interest in 
computing.  We in San Francisco can access some 1300 volumes Ken
was kind enough to tell us.
	He also has been working on a port update for OpenBSD and
managed to crash his machine which required a reinstall. He is also
using a math program Maxim which he reports as having quirks.

	So was Aaron listening to educational podcasts and he related finding 
some errors in Websites where a person was loading all the resources 
before you got to the useful parts of the site.  It slowed it down 
considerably.  I hope he will tell us a lot more about the site and the 
mistakes in programming which he noted.

	As for me I am reading online and writing a column for another
Computer user group, CUCUG = Champain-Urbana Computer Users Group which
is published to subscribers of their mailing list.  I participate in
several mailing lists and the PCLinuxOS 64 Online Forum.  I have banned
for rash or perhaps overly obscure. comments on the Daily Kos site.
	So I will be unable to post my review of Thomas Hertog's
"On the Origin of Time" to Daily Kos's book sections. but I have a
mailing list where it will be welcome.  I recommend it if you are
interested in Cosmology.  More readable than many novels. Hertog was
a student/collaborator of Stephen Hawking.

	i noted a little problem between KWrite and Kate, the KDE editors I 
use.  i have 14 years of notes on manga and I keep it in Kate usually. I 
went to open it this AM and found a screen full of little boxes and no 
text.  I re-opened it in KWrite, opened a fresh Kate window and was able 
to copy text from the KWrite instance to the new Kate window without 
problems.  Then I saved it as the original file.

	Mikki McGee has been having lots of health problems and gotten
far behind on her Ubuntu updates so she called and asked if we could get
Mint on her machines.  I looked around and of course Mint based on 
Ubuntu no longer supports 32 bit which is one of her machines. But
Linux Mint Debian LMDE does support 32 as well as 64 bit machines.
So if all goes well I will be installing these for her in the coming week.

	1255 approximately Michael Paoli showed up and I hope he and
Ron from BC had something to talk about because everyone else had
already left.  I left at 1:02 PM

	As always I hope that my misconceptions of what people had
to say will be corrected shortly by the participants.

	Bobbie Sellers

                         Lately at Distrowatch.com

    2023-06-01 	NEW • Distribution Release: NixOS 23.05
  	NixOS is an independently developed GNU/Linux distribution
that aims to improve the state of the art in system configuration 
management. The project's latest version, NixOS 23.05, mostly
provides updates, desktop enviroments and a newer Linux kernel.
   latest-nixos-gnome-x86_64-linux.iso (2,384 MB),
   latest-nixos-plasma5-x86_64-linux.iso (2,436 MB,),
   latest-nixos-minimal-x86_64-linux.iso (812 MB),


   NEW • Distribution Release: Armbian 23.05.1
  	Armbian is a Linux distribution designed for ARM development boards. 
It is usually based on one of the stable or development
versions of Debian or Ubuntu and it supports a wide variety of
popular ARM-based devices. The project's latest release is version 
23.05.1 which adds the i3 window manager as a graphical user
interface options.


	Well that is all for this week.  Development proceeds
of course and a couple of different distros were Unix and I
left them off this list.
	Have a happy June 2023 don't forget Father's Day, Juneteenth on the 
19th and the Summer Solstice on the 21st of June.
	Back up your data.

bliss - PCLinuxOS 64 - Linux 6.3.5-pclos3 - Plasma 5.27.5 - Dell E7450

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