[sf-lug] Next SF-LUG meeting, Sunday, Jan. 3rd, 2021, 11am-1pm

Akkana Peck akkana at shallowsky.com
Tue Dec 29 07:07:09 PST 2020

Rick Moen writes:
> You will need:
> o  Computer w/supported Web browser.  Best results reported with:
>       o  Chromium
>       o  Chrome
>       o  Microsoft Edge v. 79.0.309 or later
>       o  (some others, e.g., Firefox, may work)

Just a note: I was one of the people saying that Firefox didn't
work well for Jitsi. Happily, they've improved things since then
(I think "they" means Firefox and its handling of WebRTC, not
Jitsi, but there might have been improvements on both ends).

I've been in several recent Jitsi chats using Firefox and it
worked just as well as Chromium. I'm on Firefox 84.0 (the version
in Ubuntu 20.10).


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