[sf-lug] Ah, us listadmins get mail ... <sigh>

Michael Paoli Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu
Fri May 1 19:18:34 PDT 2020

Ah, us listadmins get mail ... <sigh>

No, I'm not listadmin on SF-LUG list, thank-you-very-much,
but I do handle such for BALUG.org (4 lists, numerous email aliases),
and BerkeleyLUG.COM.

And, yeah, we get emails ... frustrating emails, some particularly so
when folks still can't read and follow relatively clear simple
instructions, even when it's almost spoon fed to them.

I mean it's not that hard.  E.g. ...

web page
put in email address
put in password
(generally double opt-in ...
receive email,
reply or click link)
boom - subscribed

web page
put in email address
put in password
a few clicks
boom - unsubscribed
Don't have/know/remember password?, add steps:
click send password reminder
receive email with password

Can also be done entirely via email - subscribing and/or unsubscribing,
details generally in the headers (but alas, almost nobody ever looks at
that ... but some email clients make it quite easy ... just click ...)

Anyway, far too many folks that somehow manage to get them subscribed to
list(s) and later decided they don't want to be subscribed, somehow are,
or become (or feign) inability to follow those simple steps, or even put
in the least bit of effort in reading and following simple instructions.
How in the heck they get them selves subscribed, but can't figure out or
be bothered to get themselves unsubscribed when the want, is, however,
beyond me.

Oooh, I think SF-LUG also could use some more volunteers as listadmin!
Who's up for it!  Yes, you can share such excitement too!  (Okay, at least
fortunately such emails aren't highly frequent ... but they are recurrent,
and there's a slow endless trickle/dribble supply of them).

Oh, yeah, and (hey, add it on your resume or whatever?), knowing how to
manage lists and be a mailman list admin is a useful skill (much of it also
transferable to most other lists, and probably other areas too).

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