[sf-lug] Concerns surrounding next week's SCaLE 18x

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Feb 28 09:41:00 PST 2020

Quoting aaronco36 at sdf.org (aaronco36 at sdf.org):

> Would Steve B, Rick M, Michael P, Akkana P, other SCaLE 18x participants,
> and/or others reading this w/o current plans of attending next week's big
> SoCal Linux event wish to share  further news/notices, timely facts,
> presumptions/assumptions, speculations/inklings, keen insights, relevant
> thoughts, helpful advice ....etcetera regarding the above??

I'm not attending SCaLE 18x for unrelated reasons -- which outcome makes
me a bit sad, because it's a great event, that is also highly
affordable, and I recommend it.

If I were attending, I would take the exact same precautions I already
do at this time of year on account of this being the height of flu
season.  E.g.:  Thoroughly wash hands at pretty much every opportunity,
_train your hands to not touch your face_, try to avoid touching stair
bannisters, doorknobs, and similar surfaces, and don't eat from buffet
self-serving lines.  (Use alcohol-based hand-sanitisers wherever
available between hand-washings.)

Oh, and for heaven's sake, if you haven't yet gotten the seasonal flu
shot, do that right away.

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