[sf-lug] Byfield's "Verdict" on systemd

aaronco36 aaronco36 at SDF.ORG
Tue Feb 4 20:07:27 PST 2020

FOSS Force writer Bruce Byfield came out with a somewhat controversial 
article yesterday entitled 'The Verdict On systemd Is In'[01].
Not going to quote the article b/c you all can read it for yourselves in 
full from [01] and draw your own conclusion(s).

SF-LUG's own Rick M has already provided an extensive comment on this 
article (and on other comments/commentators to the article) that is IMO 
well-worth reading, at [02].

FWIW, I tend to concur with user Simon's first comment at [03].
Even if the powerful DDs (to use Rick M's term for Debian Developers) 
still deign we mere mortals the ability to "easily convert [Debian's 
current and future versions] to use OpenRC"[04], still, IMNSHO it remains 
worthwhile to keep abreast of the somewhat popular distros that just won't 
drink the systemd Kool-Aid.
E.g., non-systemd distros such as MX-Linux[05]/AntiX[06], Slackware Linux 
[07], Void Linux [08], Devuan GNU+Linux [09], Artix Linux [10], 

Two relatively new non-systemd distros are the experimental EasyOS [11] -- 
developed by the creator of Puppy Linux [12] -- and the alternative "Arch 
Linux[13] based system without systemd" Obarun [14], which uses Skarnet's 
S6 systemd replacement [15].

And just to pre-empt a few possible and upcoming comments on this, have 
already reviewed Michael P's previous "verdict(s)" here on the 
mailing-list over the last couple of years or so regarding Debian and its 
use of systemd, at least from [16] and [17] ;-)


aaronco36 at sdf.org

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