[sf-lug] program comments/examples, domain(s), DNS, ... Re: sh, awk, Perl, ...

Michael Paoli Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu
Tue Jun 4 22:41:52 PDT 2019

*Well* ...

readability 'n all that.  Many of the shorter examples I often give are
essentially CLI throw-away bits of code - too short and sufficiently easy
enough (heck, at least for me, anyway), that I don't bother to save 'em
in some script file ... heck, "next time around" I need the same or
quite similar, they're "easy enough" I rewrite those small(ish) bits
from scratch, and can typically do that, often much faster, than if I saved
such as a script/program - notably as I'm typically doing half-dozen
to hundreds(ish) of such relatively ad hoc use of shell in CLI per day,
and where it gets sufficiently non-trivial that it's more than just
some really basic stuff like redirection/piping and command
substitution, but still far too simple(ish) for me to bother putting it
in script/program file - and - egad, trying to find the dang thing later.
So ... often it remains "throw-away" CLI code/example.

Often when they *do* make it into a program file, they were sufficiently
useful, and "oops" - no longer in my history to [re[edit] and] reuse,
and, my gosh, maybe it had evolved up to something that, oh, might take
me more than 10 minutes to recreate from scratch ... or I keep doing quite
similar often enough, that, well, I should stick it in a program file -
notably because it's "the same" thing very commonly done, and doesn't
change, or the bits that do change are easy to deal with in program,
e.g. via options, arguments, and/or inputs/outputs.

So, let's see, on, e.g.:
we have ...

$ lsb_release -d; man dash | col -b | expand | grep '[^         ]' | wc -l
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 9.9 (stretch)
$ echo 1200/66 | bc -l
That's pretty straight forward.
could comment the heck out'a it, but why, it's a throw-away.

Flushed out with comments it'd look something like this:
# use standard shell for our interpreter

# What's the description of the operating system we're running?
lsb_release -d

# for the man page for dash, a minimally compliant POSIX shell,
man dash |
# if we filter out backspace sequences, e.g. change _^Hx to just x, etc.
col -b |
# and then expand the tabs to spaces
expand |
# and then filter it to just lines that contain some non-whitespace
grep '[^        ]' |
# how many lines does that gives us?
wc -l

# standard shell
# what's 1200 (obtained from earlier) divided by 66 (number of printable
# lines on yee olde std 11" long line printer paper with 6 LPI, so
# 66 lines that can be printed, standard, per page
# so we divide by that to get at least approximate number of pages
echo 1200/66 | bc -l

But this *is* a Linux User Group.
It's got ...
... about 279 folks on the list.
I give what I think are "interesting" examples - e.g. of powerful
stuff one can do from CLI.  I don't feel like necessarily explaining
every bloody teensy 'lil itty bitty step.  There's lots 'o folks on
the list, someone else can always break it down and and explain it, or
geez, even take a crack at it.  Likely if they don't get it quite right
other(s) will provide additional hints/corrections, etc.  Why folks might
even learn that way.  :-)
Y'all got man pages, you can look 'em up.
If you don't, STFW (Search The Fine Web).

And, when it gets to a program file, I may reasonably well comment
it ... does also depend too upon audience ... much of the time it's
mostly for me much of the time (but too, different in different contexts)
... and ... so N months/years later I might have some clue as to why I did
it as I did ... or the intended purpose or
whatever ... though one can always read the code itself - but can
be useful to have comments that summarize to higher level, or explain
what's not obvious in the code itself.

Let's see, a somewhat longer one in program file - did this one pretty
recently, comes in dang handy ... it probably ought have more
comments, but ... whatever.  I know what it does for me.  :-)

It's a little more non-trivial.
It's got some high-level comment(s) so I can recall what I was
doing(/attempting) with it ... but alas, that comment is already
somewhat out-of-date.
I also trimmed the list of domains a bit in the, uh, "example" below.

Anyway, what it *really* does, is some fair bit more than that ...
it gets and displays the delegating authority NS records from nameserver
upstream of the domain,
then for each delegated NS, it queries all the IP addresses of each for
the domains' SOA record.  Oh, and it also tags those outputs
with the NS and IP address, so I know from whence I got the SOA results.
I mostly use it to check that the delegated NS are as I expect, that they're
serving up DNS data for the domain, and that they're (at least reasonably)
current on SOA serial number (if they have most current on all for domain,
they're fully caught up and have the current data).
Now, that's not a *full* check of all the DNS checks I might want to do,
but it well covers those I tend to want to examine pretty regularly,
and, well, I got tired of typing out the longer commands to do it
manually at CLI, and particularly fairly regularly, so ... time to
put it in a program ... and so I did.

Anyway, y'all can always comment the heck out of it, if you wish.
I know pretty dang well what it does from a fairly quick glance/read
over the code.  If I can't figure that out so easily in 6 months or
more from now, I probably should'a written better comments.  ;-)
But then again, I might alter it to add/change the functionality
anyway, so, spending a whole lot 'o time on comments might be
rather premature.

Yeah, not exactly like it's a highly mature unchanging program ...
$ (cd ~/bin && ls -ond DNS_SOA_CK)
-rwx------ 1 1003 1229 May 13 23:11 DNS_SOA_CK
Hasn't yet even made it a month yet without changes (or having
been created).  And in the meantime, no shortage of other stuff
to do.

$ expand -t 4 < ~/bin/DNS_SOA_CK

LC_ALL=C export LC # avoid non-ASCII surprises

# vi(1) :se tabstop=4

# check SOA records for domain(s) - given as arguments or default set
default_domains='balug.org sf-lug.com sf-lug.org sflug.org sflug.com  
sflug.net berkeleylug.com berkeleylug.org'

[ "$#" -ge 1 ] || set -- $default_domains

tmpf=$(mktemp) || exit
trap "trap - 0; rm $tmpf" 0
for sig in 1 2 3 15
     trap '
         trap - 0
         rm '"$tmpf"' || exit
         trap - '"$sig"'
         kill -'"$sig"' "$$"
     ' "$sig"

for FQDN
     FQDN=$(echo "$FQDN" | tr A-Z a-z)
     case "$FQDN" in
     set -- $(
         echo "$FQDN" |
         sed -e 's/\(.*\)\.\([^\.][^\.]*\.$\)/\1 \2/'
     [ "$#" -eq 2 ] || continue
     echo FQDN="$FQDN" authority:
     aNS=$(dig +short "$TLD" NS | head -n 1)
     dig @"$aNS" +noall +authority +norecurse "$FQDN" NS |
     sort |
     tee "$tmpf"
     for NS in $(
         < "$tmpf" tr A-Z a-z |
         awk '{if(($1=="'"$FQDN"'")&&($2 ~  
/^[0-9][0-9]*$/)&&($3=="in")&&($4=="ns"))print $5;}' |
         sort -u
         for IP in $(
             dig +short "$NS" A "$NS" AAAA
             #echo "$FQDN $NS $IP"
             echo $(dig @"$IP" +noall +answer +norecurse +nottl  
"$FQDN" SOA) '@'"$IP"' ('"$NS"')'

Yep, code not mature ... I just spotted and fixed a typo in comment.

Oh, and even if the comments are mostly missing/lacking, the structure in
the file is much more readable.  Often long(ish) CLI stuff, not so
readable, but dang handy to have it all on single line, as then one can
most easily repeat it, or edit it and reuse altered version, and repeat
as necessary/desired - often building up the desired results  
piece-wise with chunks of code typed at CLI ... and often "throw away"  
- need that
info just that once, and probably never need to do quite the exact same
thing ever again (or at least rather improbable). ... or sufficiently rare
and not too horribly complex, that explicitly saving the code - not
worth the bother, as "next time", it would be easier/faster to recreate
than to try and find the earlier.  (heck, if I saved all those ad hoc
more than slightly trivial ones, I'd probably have dozens to hundreds
of ad hoc "programs" written per week ... most of which I'd never want
to use again exactly as they were - let alone try 'n find the specific
one I might want again when I actually had some need to repeat something;
again, faster to do it again from scratch in most cases for such
shorter bits.

Ah, yep, everybody likes to complain & critique (okay, sure, I'm
guilty too) ;-)

But yeah, as Rick (and others) occasionally point out ... yeah, often
most/all others don't pick up and run with what they ought, or even
bother to say "thanks" once in a while on such tasks or whatever.
Often, "crickets", as Rick says.

Maybe a bit early to complain ;-) but, e.g., hey y'all, sf-lug.ORG isn't
approaching imminent expiration now.  Yup, somebody took care of that ...
me.  Oooh, and folks ought figure out the plan for renewing (or not?)
sf-lug.COM ... haven't heard a peep on that, but maybe y'all will get
that figured out by end of the one remaining SF-LUG meeting before
sf-lug.COM expires.  Oh, and Joker.com ... I know Jim likes it, but
rather sucky registrar - notably as Rick also pointed out, ... they
won't even allow one to have the whois data properly public.  So,
NOT within 30 days of expiration!!! ... or even soon after a renewal,
but y'all might want to think about transferring to a registrar that
doesn't suck - or at least sucks less.  I know I quite like gandi.net,
I think Rick has his favorite(s) - there are at least a moderate number
of rather to quite good ones.  But, anyway, y'all didn't plan that
out well in advance of being within 30 days of expiration, so, that's
a lost opportunity on transfer timing ... could do it *later*, but
Now is *NOT* the time to be transferring - at least for those two
domains (impending expiration, and just recently renewed).

> From: aaronco36 <aaronco36 at SDF.ORG>
> Subject: Re: [sf-lug] sh, awk, Perl, ... Re: calculating meeting dates ...
> Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2019 23:43:40 +0000 (UTC)

> As somewhat related to "sh, awk, Perl" and to "calculating meeting  
> dates", Akkana Peck <akkana at shallowsky.com> wrote in [1]:
>> How's this? (Add to your .bashrc or wherever.)
>> dayofweek() {
>>   echo -n "Date as YYYY-MM-DD: "
>>   read d
>>   date --date=$d
>> }
>> If you really only want the day, change the last line to
>>   date --date=$d +%a
> IMHO, one major benefit this bash-script function has over other  
> coding constructs is its *incredibly* straightforward Readability.
> Readability as in the ease of figuring out what the code is really  
> supposed to do, as well as the more extensive and respective  
> Software Engineering Stack Exchange and Psychology of Code  
> Readability treatments of the same in refs [2] and [3].
> Well, sure, *of course*(!!) the following and longer command  
> pipeline is easier to enter and may be more efficient to run than  
> most bash scripts...
> '$ (cd /usr/bin && ls -iL $(apropos awk | awk '{if(($1 ~ /awk/)&&($1  
> !="igawk"))print $1;}') | sort -bn); read -rsp $'Press any key to  
> continue...\n' -n1 key; (for a in mawk awk; do echo "$a" $(echo  
> $(man "$a" | col -b | expand | grep '[^ ]' | wc -l)/66 | bc -l);  
> done)'
> But such a command pipeline is more efficient at the cost of any  
> semblance of good Readability (again, IMHO).
> It also greatly helps Readability to have appropriate comments  
> placed throughout a bash script, such as those which the author of  
> this bash script [4] does ;->
> -A
> Any fool can write code that a computer can understand.
> Good programmers write code that humans can understand.
> Martin Fowler
> Programs should be written for people to read, and only incidentally  
> for machines to execute.
> Abelson and Sussman
> ============================================================
> References
> ============================================================
> [1]http://linuxmafia.com/pipermail/sf-lug/2019q2/014174.html  
> [2]https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/162923/what-defines-code-readability [3]https://medium.com/@egonelbre/psychology-of-code-readability-d23b1ff1258a  
> [4]http://www.rawbw.com/~mp/unix/sh/examples/shrink2fs
> ============================================================

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