[sf-lug] Subject: Re: debian base system (initially without X11) install progress (or lack there of!) report

Alex Kleider akleider at sonic.net
Tue Dec 11 10:47:24 PST 2018

Thanks, Rick and Michael, for your contributions.
My apology, Rick; I did not mean to imply that you should be reading the 
ip man page for me.

I've discovered how to make connectivity work during installation of 
Debian Stretch but upon reboot 'all is lost.' (i.e. neither ethernet or 
wifi work) I have searched the Debian Documentation and have not found 
anything that addresses this problem. For example, 
/etc/network/interfaces contains an entry only for 'lo', none for 
ethernet or wifi.  By making additions I've managed to get ethernet 
working but wifi needs more work!

The following comment from Rick caught my eye:
... I also wouldn't send a Linux novice to
Debian in the first place.
Perhaps I am simply out of my depths.  Where would you send 'a Linux 
This whole project was motivated by your (Rick's) advice to custom 
install only what is needed (rather than do a "forehead install".)

Alex Kleider
(sent from my current gizmo)

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