[sf-lug] Ubuntu 18.04 to have 10 year support span

Bobbie Sellers bliss-sf4ever at dslextreme.com
Wed Nov 21 16:42:41 PST 2018

Thanks Aaron!

     The clarification will be recieved I am sure with resignation by
the majority of Ubuntu users.

Bobbie Sellers

On 11/20/18 9:58 PM, aaronco36 wrote:
> Bobbie Sellers <bliss-sf4ever at dslextreme.com> wrote at [1]
>> This is great for people happy with Ubuntu or its spins.
>> Link of reference [2]
>> Lot of other information in the article.
> OTOH, ITPro Today's article by Christine Hall entitled 'Ubuntu's 
> "Bionic Beaver" Promised a 10 Year Life' [3] has a bit of a twist on 
> the news of that 10 year support span.
> A more telling quote from the ITPro Today article could be the following:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ quoting from [3] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Shuttleworth is probably playing a bit with smoke and mirrors here, 
> however, and there's likely not as much "new" here as it might seem. 
> According to Canonical's website, traditional support with free 
> security and bug fixes for Ubuntu 18.04 still runs out in five 
> years[4], or in April 2023. After that, you'll need to write a check 
> to Canonical to keep your machines safe and secure.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> IMHO, I myself rather think that with Canonical still aiming for an 
> Initial Public Offering (IPO) sometime in 2019 and with the recent 
> announcement of IBM's acquisition of Red Hat [5], Shuttleworth's move 
> to enact that 10 year lifespan for Ubuntu (among other moves) could've 
> been made more to gear up his private-equity companies & advisors for 
> the latters' inevitable demands for a speedy Return On Investment 
> (ROI) once the IPO *does* become fully in place.
> Am wondering if as an intended|unintended by-product of Canonical's 
> IPO, Shuttleworth would ever revert to calling Free software zealots 
> "antisocial muppets who love to hate", similar to what he did ~1.5yrs 
> ago at [6] ??
> -A
> ===============================================
> References
> ===============================================
> [1]http://linuxmafia.com/pipermail/sf-lug/2018q4/013528.html
> [2]https://www.zdnet.com/article/mark-shuttleworth-reveals-ubuntu-18-04-will-get-a-10-year-support-lifespan 
> [3]https://www.itprotoday.com/linux/ubuntus-bionic-beaver-promised-10-year-life 
> [4]https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases
> [5]http://linuxmafia.com/pipermail/sf-lug/2018q4/013498.html
> [6]https://www.zdnet.com/article/ubuntus-shuttleworth-free-software-zealots-are-antisocial-muppets-who-love-to-hate/ 
> ===============================================
> aaronco36 at sdf.org
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