[sf-lug] how to copy all but dot files

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Sat Nov 17 22:16:06 PST 2018

Quoting Alex Kleider (akleider at sonic.net):

> Just installed Ubuntu 18.04 on an old ThinkPad X301 and am tying to
> copy files from my Ubuntu 16.04 machine.
> I'd like to exclude the dot files but how to get an expression that
> will do this?
> ...so I began composing an email asking the list how this could be done.
> In the process of trying to ask the question in an appropriate
> format, I actually came up with a solution on my own.  I've decided
> to post it any way thinking it might help some one else or (perhaps
> more likely) it might prompt others more expert to offer a better
> way.
>     rsync -av --exclude [.].+ user@<IP>:~/ <destination-directory>

You're too modest, Alex.  Your solution is both effective and
self-explanatory to readers.  Take a bow.

Cheers,                "I never quarrel with a man who buys ink by the barrel."
Rick Moen                    -- Rep. Charles B. Brownson (R-Indiana), ca. 1960
rick at linuxmafia.com
McQ! (4x80)

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