[sf-lug] who or what permitted

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Thu Jul 28 20:59:39 PDT 2016

Quoting Michael Paoli (Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu):

> Anyway, ... I do think I still have at least some privileged access on
> that host (the access itself, at least, which I keep very well secured).
> Don't think I've been on the host for a fair while - let alone making any
> use of privileged access there.  Also don't think I have password(s)
> for specifically managing list(s) on that host.

You are welcome to same.  Call me for the mailing list admin password,
and also you are entirely welcome to use your host access.

To be honest, I seem to have no record of my own of whatever 
mailing-list-specific admin password Jim got.  (I use the sitewide Mailman
password.  So, I'll need to set a fresh mailing-list-specific admin
password for sf-lug at linuxmafia.com, give it to you and Jim, and make a
record of it this time.  

Or alternatively, you could get the existing admin password from Jim (and 
tell me what it is, so I can record that).

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