[sf-lug] written likely using vi/vim

jim jim at well.com
Tue Jul 19 14:56:20 PDT 2016

another candidate is "nuts", uttered by
General McAuliffe at Bastogne in WWII
when asked by Nazis to surrender.

On 07/19/2016 06:33 PM, Rick Moen wrote:
> Quoting Jim Stockford (jim at well.com):
>> I used vi
> Nobler words were never spoken.  Moreover, more-laconic words were
> seldom spoken.
> Technically, I believe the Spartan ephors' one-word response
> ('αἴκα' = 'if') to Philip of Macedon's threat 'If I invade Laconia you
> will be destroyed, never to rise again' set a record unlikely to be
> surpassed.
> Philip stayed the hell of the Peloponnese, as it turned out, as did his
> son Alexander the Great:  Both men knew a buzzsaw when they heard it.
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