[sf-lug] SF-LUG meeting of April 3, 2016

Bobbie Sellers bliss-sf4ever at dslextreme.com
Sun Apr 3 15:28:48 PDT 2016

Hi LUGers,

     Sunday, April 03, 2016

     I got to the Cafe about 1045 and setup my
machine without real problems.  I was having
a problem on my PCLinux OS installation where
I am running Mageia 6 dev1 on a virtual machine
but was having trouble connecting it to the
Internet so that I can update it and correct
some of its problems.  I think dev1 would
be about the same as an Alpha on other

     John S. found the time to join us today about
5 minutes after I got to the Cafe Enchante.
He tried out at least one distro.

     Maestro was in about 1050 and it seems his
  machine is having problems booting a copy
of Linux Mint 17.3 but John S had no problem
with his machine booting it up.

     Michael was  in just after 11 AM.  Mostly for the
fellowship I believe.

     Joseph Puig came about 11:15 returned magazine,

Tom Gray with A new DELL xpf-13 showed up at 11:30.
He is a new attendee who may return from time to time.
He tried a flash drive with Magiea 5 which
did not work out too well and Knoppix 7.6.1
which worked fine.  He has Ubuntu native on
the Dell which is giving him trouble with
the network connection at Cafe Enchante

     Ken S and wife came in about 1132
Ken helped me configure my internet access
on Mageia 6 running in Virtual Box.Then he
helped Tom with his Dell and Maestro with
his problem.
     I got the first batch of updates to the Mageia
6 before I packed up my equipemnt

Jim S.  arrrived about Noon  Seemed to be enjoying
Linux Pro magazine that Joseph returned this morning.

     12:45 pm I started packing up.

     About 1:00 pm we had closed our machines.
     Michael left to shop.  Tom, Ken and his wife left
about the same time.
     Jim Stockford gave myself, Maestro and Joseph rides
onward after we persuaded him to stop for the headphones
he had needed at the Masonic and Geary Best Buy.

     So If I have made substantive errors in reporting here
please reply to them and let us know the facts.

     The next meeting of the SF-LUG will be probably Wenesday
evening at Noisebridge where Joseph P. is very lonely.

     But the next meeting of the group at the Cafe Enchante
will be on April 18 from 6-8 PM.  Hope to see a few of you
all there.

     Bobbie Sellers

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