[sf-lug] Hi, everybody

Frantisek Apfelbeck algoldor at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 25 04:18:02 PST 2015

Wonderful work! It is sad but mostly true, you need the mailing list to start to fail to realize how important for the spirit of the community it is. This and several other mailing list based project were a great inspiration for me and I've modeled several of groups which I started or got involved around this very useful tool.
By the way after around eight years I've left Ubuntu and Mint and write to you from Debian, for now stable distribution but that will probably change soon :-) I can say that last several days under this distro tought me more than half year under the fomar ones.
Sincerely from Jeju,
Frantisek PS And yes I've "switched" the distros the old facion way of destroying my latest system by playing with the sources.list in a very adventurous way. Thankefully partitioning worked very well for me and of couse I'd to do the back up of the data from the home folder after the crash, doing it before the adventure seems very good idea next time :-)

Frantisek Algoldor Apfelbeck

biotechnologist&kvasir and hacker


"There is no way to peace, peace is the way." Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

     On Thursday, January 22, 2015 11:51 AM, jim <jim at well.com> wrote:

    Let's say thanks to Rick Moen, not only
for bringing back the SF-LUG mailing list,
but for taking it on starting around 1995
and maintaining it for about a decade.


sf-lug mailing list
sf-lug at linuxmafia.com
Information about SF-LUG is at http://www.sf-lug.org/

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