[sf-lug] Fwd: [Noisebridge-discuss] BAHA Meeting June,2014

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Jun 6 15:18:09 PDT 2014

Quoting maestro (maestro415 at gmail.com):

> LUG,
> Some folks had expressed interest in security projects and groups
> ineterested thereof...
> Some had also said they had heard of groups meeting in S.F. ...
> This forwarded message is from one of them...
> If you want more info please contact THEM.

1.  'Them' refers to Bay Area Hacker's Association,
http://baha.bitrot.info/ .  (Looks like someone there likes
_The Crying of Lot 49_.  Yay, Pynchonistas.)

2.  Really, a security group that sends out ASCII meeting agendas
obscured in Microsoft .docx format?  SRSLY?  Maybe it's just me, but the
medium seems to undermine the message.  (Or, it might be a contrived
gag, I suppose.)

Some might be curious what the agenda _said_.  So:

:r /usr/local/bin/docx2txt

#! /bin/sh
# Suggested by Neale Picket <neale at woozle.org>  
unzip -qc "$1" word/document.xml | sed 's#</w:p>#\n\n#g;s#<[^>]*>##g'

Piping the .docx file you posted through said script yields this:


Soldier of Fortran
Let's Screw Around With IBM Mainframes (TOGETHER!)

This talk will be an interactive activity where you, the loyal hacker,
will learn how to install and run z/OS on a laptop. From there the
speaker will show you all the wonderous and weird things you can
encounter in this blast from the past still running our nations banking,
airline and insurance industries (don't forget our military:
http://i.imgur.com/qgHIoba.png). You'll also get introduced, and given
hands on demos, on tools that have been released to help pentesters
really go after this platform. Some of those tools are: MainTP, TShOcker
and metasploit. This talk will have you wondering 'what were they
thinking?' and 'why!?' but you'll also be able to get your hands on a
platform limited to the mystical 'system programmer' so you can actually
see and interact with these iron beasts

About the Author:
Soldier of Fortran is a mainframe security enthusiast. It all started a
long time ago when IBM sent him a mainframe security contractor so bad
he thought 'no way is our critical infrastructure protected by people
who don't even know what NETSTAT does'. Through various means he was
able to get his own z/OS and really start digging in to the platform and
learned more in that week than months of classes, talks, etc. Since then
he's released multiple tools, given talks at BlackHat, Shmoocon, THOTCON
and various BSides. He's also been on the pauldotcom, securabit and
Eurotrash Sec podcasts. 


z/OS on my laptop.  That's warped, all right.  (No OS/2 pun intended.)

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