[sf-lug] Meeting of Monday 17 February 2014

Jason Kirk jasonedwardkirk at gmail.com
Mon Feb 24 09:11:37 PST 2014


I hope everyone is having a good new year...or at least a good Chinese new
year so far! If not, I hope this email will be the turning point because I
was so amazed at this offer I just now found in my email that even though I
am not able to get one now, I know someone (or "someones") reading this
email will jump on this and maybe even thank me for it. So, I decided to
break with convention and post this email immediately due to the urgency
contributed by the following factors:

1. this opportunity is TIME-SENSITIVE (i.e. needs to be purchased by 9pm

2. this is a very special offer for a piece of equipment of which most us
are have already at least considered buying our first one ever, or we
already own one and are waiting for (someone like me to alert us to) a
screaming deal as the opportunity to upgrade our main-use component in
speed and size and, simultaneously, relegate our first purchase to our

3. this component is produced by a reputable manufacturer,
Samsung...moreover, it's one of Samsung's most sought-after products);

4. this exclusive special (almost unbelievable) low-price offer is through
a reputable "retailer/wholesaler,-" TigerDirect !

Please excuse this dramatic buildup but, for the record, this exhaustive
introduction is my way of overstating my justifications for why and how I
used the SF-LUG email list because due to the extremely small window of
opportunity to write and send this email so as to ensure its earliest
delivery that hopefully provides those potentially interested parties
somewhat of their own window of time to consider/compare/research this
offer and still have time to act on it before 9pm TONIGHT, I just typed
what is before you.

Also, I receive nothing from this other than the satisfaction of knowing I
helped someone (or "someones") save a bundle and get a state-of-the-art
HUGE SSD by Samsung with SATA III (6 Gb/s). Honestly, if you have maximized
your RAM slots with the biggest capacity in each slot (if not already
permanently mounted with no expansion), then a SSD is the next biggest bang
for your buck and can easily stave off an eventual upgrade for a year or
more, especially THIS SSD because the bigger the SSD, the faster and better
it performs. For example, there's a difference between running two each
128G SSD (SATA IIs) in series (RAID 0 configuration) and running one solo
256G SSD (SATA III) in RAID 0 array, which isn't necessary for rates of
6Gb/s anyway. For more resource information on configuring SSDs:


Lastly, when I prepared to copy and paste the purchase URL from my
TigerDirect email, it specifically said "EMAIL OFFER ONLY- PURCHASE MUST BE
MADE THROUGH EMAIL LINK," which if I were to purchase one myself, I would
certainly call (in addition to placing my order through an email link to
verify, first, that the email order was recorded on-time and no
debit/credit card verification errors AND while I had the sales rep on the
phone anyway, I would just review the terms of this offer to confirm them
and make sure everything else is copacetic.

Well, this is the end of the important stuff. I hope this helps someone out

Kindest Regards,
Jason Kirk

Personally, I have NEVER had a problem with TigerDirect. In fact, just the
opposite, they are really responsive to customer's needs, complaints and
questions. The only thing somewhat beyond the control of TigerDirect is a
manufacturer mail-order rebate but if you submit proper documentation
postmarked by the stated deadline, you usually receive your rebate as
promised. Just don't expect your rebate until at least after that point in
which you forget that you even are expecting a rebate. Right after the
"rebate expectation skepticism" fades from the cache of your brain's RAM,
it always seems to arrive in the mail like a surprise birthday gift you
receive on someone else's birthday that you forgot about entirely. should
it be in direct violation of this email list's rules not wanting to commit
any faux pas with regard to email list rules than

 and I receive no benefit whatsoever from any purchases.

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 5:16 AM, Bobbie Sellers <
bliss-sf4ever at dslextreme.com> wrote:

>  Hi LUGgers!
>      I was at the Cafe Enchante by 1740.  My notebook was running ok.
>     Bill showed up with a couple of problematic notebook machines.
>     One was a Sony VAIO from about 2001 on which someone had installed
> Crunchbang (#!) on it and failed to put the passwords
> in a non-electronic media.  After some experimentation we found
> it could boot Knoppix 7.2 from the DVD drive.  I tried the PCLOS 2013.12
> on it but the low memory (<1 GiB ) made it too slow to
> use in Live Mode.
>     The Knoppix did very well considering the low memory.
> Bill will probably install it from the disk I used and gave to
> him for the purpose.
>     The other was a Toshiba with display difficulties and
> perhaps a munged Windows XP.   The display has had a hard time
> so that the hinge is loose and the bezel is broken.  We got a display
> briefly but it was not to be helpful.  I noted that the machine has a
> 15 pin VGA out and, like the Dell, has a function key to enable
> display away from the box. I pointed these out to Bill.  He will attempt
> to enable the external display to fix the problems and probably install
> Knoppix there as well.
>     About the time we were trying to set up the Toshiba with its
> damaged screen hinge, Eric and then Jim showed up.  They chatted
> a bit with Bill and each other.   I pointed out the story in the
> Linux Pro magazine of last month with the story on the Firefox OS,
> This is intended to be a phone OS but no one had tried it yet.
> Eric said he might try it in a desktop machine with an emulator.
>      At nearly 8 PM the meeting broke up and Jim gave myself and Eric
> rides home.
>     Bobbie Sellers
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