[sf-lug] SF Lug meeting Monday 16 December 2013

Bobbie Sellers bliss-sf4ever at dslextreme.com
Tue Dec 10 09:28:24 PST 2013

     SF-LUG meets every third Monday from 6 P.M. to 8 P.M.
at the Cafe Enchante, 26th and Geary Boulevard.

     These meetings are usually lightly attended with a high for the
year so far of 7 members.   If you have a problem come along
and maybe we can help but if not we can usually find someone
who can.
     I have the latest issue of Linux Pro magazine and will bring it

     Hope to see you there.

        Meeting times are strictly nominal which means that I try
to show up on time or actually ahead of time, in case I have
to trouble shoot my set-up.  We leave if no other  interested
parties show up up by 7:30 Monday nights or 12:30  PM on
  Sundays.  On the other hand if you bring an interesting problem
or discussion we may hang out until long after the nominal time
to end the meeting.

     Thanks for your attention

     Bobbie Sellers

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