[sf-lug] trustworthy repair shop - Found!

Bobbie Sellers bliss-sf4ever at dslextreme.com
Wed Oct 24 19:11:08 PDT 2012

On 10/06/2012 02:48 PM, Bobbie Sellers wrote:
>     Hi LUGgers,
>         It seems I have a problem with my notebook over-heating
> and the on-line instructions I find emphasize keeping the HP techs
> away from the machine.

     Well I got everything together to do the work myself but finally
decided I did not feel up to taking the machine apart and reassembling
it myself.   I had e-mailed via the web site Techsavies but the answer
was not clear or definitive.   I was walking back from my dentist yesterday
taking Polk Street for no other reason. Found I was passing Techsavies
  so I stopped in their to tell them the auto responder was not useful
and found out I most likely could afford to have them do the work.
I carried the machine back later in the afternoon and picked it up before
Noon today.  The guy in charge of the web site and communication
via it was away for a week, by the way.

     Techsavies does all sorts of work including Computer Repair,
Data Recovery(bet that takes longer than overnight), Virus Cleanup
and Optimazation (Optimization) and they don't have any problem
with your machine using Linux.

     The shop is at 1318 Polk Street* where the old Freed, Teller and Freed
coffee roastery was located.   A neighbor-hood I used to frequent.

     The phone # 415-673-1776
*  San Francisco, 94109


     (The stuff I was reading on the other repair sites convinced me that I
could not afford their work.)

     Bobbie Sellers

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