[sf-lug] REMINDER: BALUG: Tu 2012-05-15: Salt (Configuration Management and Remote Execution at Scale) by Corey Quinn; & other BALUG news

Michael Paoli Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu
Fri May 11 06:50:37 PDT 2012

REMINDER: BALUG: Tu 2012-05-15: Salt (Configuration Management and  
Remote Execution at Scale) by Corey Quinn; & other BALUG news


items, details further below:
2012-05-15 Salt. Configuration Management and Remote Execution at Scale,
            by Corey Quinn
Twitter https://twitter.com/#!/BALUG_org
CDs, and other "door prizes", etc.


For our 2012-05-15 meeting BALUG is proud to present:

Corey Quinn: Salt[1]. Configuration Management and Remote
Execution at Scale

Corey Quinn has been finding new and better ways to be lazy via
configuration management since discovering that "ssh in a for loop"
didn't scale.  He's a volunteer for the freenode[2] IRC[3]
network, and splits his time between Los Angeles and San Francisco,
where he's the director of systems operations at Expensify.com[4],
helping make expense reports not suck.

1. http://saltstack.org/
2. http://freenode.net/
3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat
4. https://www.expensify.com/

So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP to:

                        rsvp at balug.org

**Why RSVP??**

Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help
BALUG and the Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and meeting, and with
sufficient attendance, they also help ensure that we'll be able to eat
upstairs in the private banquet room.

Meeting Details...

                        Tuesday, May 15th, 2012 2012-05-15

                        Four Seas Restaurant http://www.fourseasr.com/
                        731 Grant Ave.
                        San Francisco, CA 94108
                        Easy PARKING:
                          Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny:

Cost: The meetings are always free, but for dinner, for your gift of $13
       cash, we give you a gift of dinner - joining us for a yummy
       family-style Chinese dinner - tax and tip included (your gift
       also helps in our patronizing the restaurant venue).


Twitter - you can also follow BALUG on Twitter:


CDs, and other "door prizes", etc.

Goodies we'll have at the meeting (at least the following):

CDs, etc. - have a peek here:
We do also have some additional give-away items, and may have
"door prizes".


Some suitable talk/presentation for BALUG - are you willing and able to
do such, or know someone who is?  Can you talk someone into it?  :-)
Can you help BALUG line up speakers/presenters for BALUG meetings?
Any or all of the preceding, let us know, or if you wish to join the
BALUG speaker coordinators, just let us know:
balug-speaker-coordinators at balug.org


Feedback on our publicity/announcements (e.g. contacts or lists where we
should get our information out that we're not presently reaching, or
things we should do differently): publicity-feedback at balug.org



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