[sf-lug] rsync question

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Sun Nov 6 22:07:11 PST 2011

Quoting Ehud Kaldor (ehud.kaldor at gmail.com):

>    is this supposed to be like that? did i do something wrong in my
>    script?

Appears to be normal.  

http://lwn.net/Articles/400489/ speculates:  'The atop program showed
rsync appears to need three processes: one process that does only disk
reads, one that does only disk writes and one (I assume) control process
that uses little CPU time and does no disk I/O.'

http://www.hpsc.csiro.au/userguides/faq/rsync.php has a different
speculation:  'rsync is a slightly multithreaded copy mechanism and will
spawn multiple threads depending on the size of the file tree being
copied over.'

Please see also:

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